David Friedman wrote:

I've often wondered what might be considered okay and not okay to watch as a

Baha'i as far as TV and movies go...


This is an intriguing question.  Personally, I very rarely watch TV. Just
lately I've spent a few evenings watching network programs, and I must say
that it lived down to my expectations.  It's hard not to agree with those
who've said there's a conspiracy afoot to make Americans stupid and immoral.

I prefer reading, and it's stood me in good stead.  I am only a high school
graduate, but I've never stopped educating myself.  I've taught myself how
to use computers, delved into historical eras that interest me, read the
Bible cover-to-cover a number of times, learned to fix my car, and any
number of other worthwhile things that I wouldn't have learned or
experienced if I'd spent my evenings in front of the television.

I think that if what you are watching causes you to raise this question,
that's a good indication that it may not be real healthy.  There's no need
to be prissy, but ask yourself what the program is saying to you.  How
prurient is it?  Does it uplift or does it simply titillate?  I don't think
any hard-edged answers are really possible, but there's a voice inside that
lets you know how appropriate things are.  The hard part is listening to it.

Dave Lambert

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