On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 11:25:08 +0000 (UTC), Freddy Vulto wrote:

> David Paleino <d.paleino <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 14:14:29 +0000 (UTC), Freddy Vulto wrote:
> > 
> > > [..] maybe we'd better release bash_completion-2 (or ..200902xx) [..]
> > 
> > I was starting a branch for the release process... what version number you
> > believe is "sane"?
> > 
> > I'd start at 1.0, (so as not to be necessarily linked to the bash version),
> > and the "date" format is kinda weird to me.
> 1.0 is fine with me too - better than date format, as long as the major number
> is going to be increased once we drop bash-2 support.

Sure it will.

> Can you elaborate on which releases you have in mind?

Well, let me elaborate on the release process I have in mind first. 1.0 is what
we have now ("master"). As soon as other people reply with ok (I won't wait for
everyone to reply, but just two people out of 7 isn't fair), I will:

1) branch bash-completion-<version>, that's feature-frozen. Only bugfixes go
there (cherry-picked from "master").
2) we establish a freeze period. Let's say two-three days? Up to a week,
however, just to find bugs and fix them on time.
3) we release the tarball, update the webpage, put it on Alioth, [..]. Maybe a
make-tarball script would be good (i.e. copying debian/changelog to
CHANGES, removing debian/, fixing things, using sed to dynamically substitute
version number, ...)

The releases I have in mind are:

1.0: first (well, second) official release from the new upstream team. New
directory layout here?
1.x: bugfixes, completions split, ... -- merging bash-completion-lib here?
2.0: new major release: drop bash-2 features.
2.x: bugfixes

Obviously, major version numbers change for major changes. For example, the
bash-completion-lib merge would deserve a 2.0 to me, but we can discuss version
numbering anytime.

/me wishes we move to Launchpad for bugtracking, so we can set blueprints,
milestones, ...


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