2012/4/21 Ville Skyttä <ville.sky...@iki.fi>:
> On 2012-04-21 18:41, Felipe Contreras wrote:
>> Still, I don't see the point in avoiding 'git_complete' and making our
>> lifes more difficult.
> I'm not aware of ways it'd make people's lifes more difficult, but if
> git_complete is a function intended for completion purposes, I'd
> personally not name it git* because it'd interfere for example with
> completing git<TAB> by being included in the suggested completions even
> though it's never meant to be used that way.  Prefixing for example with
> underscore doesn't avoid the problem completely, but makes it less
> likely to happen.

That's actually a good point, I forgot that functions are also completed.


Felipe Contreras

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