
In case you have not noticed, Early Hints is on track to ship in M103 (I2S
Chrome Status <https://chromestatus.com/guide/edit/5207422375297024>).

On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 4:09 PM Kenji Baheux <kenjibah...@chromium.org>

> Hi Mitar,
> Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for the delay.
> The Authorization header should be supported in Early Hints.
> Please share a concrete example if this doesn't work as you'd hope.
> Also, we would like Early Hints to be useful beyond the main request (page
> navigation).
> In particular, with SPAs, the current scope would have a limited impact.
> However, there is some additional trickiness in the code with regards to
> CORS/CORP/CORB that the team needs to figure out.
> A few more comments & questions inline:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 7:29 PM Mitar <mmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Kenji, I have been following progress around HTTP2 push and it looks to
>> me that all the focus is on HTTP2 pushes which happen at the page loading
>> time. But there are also pushes which happen later on, after the page has
>> already loaded. Concrete example: I have an app which subscribes to
>> notifications from the server (using SSE or WebSockets), when it gets a
>> notification that some resource changed, the app makes a HTTP request to
>> fetch the new resource (to then update DOM reactively). By separating
>> notification from payload and not pushing data itself over WebSocket, those
>> resources can be cached so that the next time the page loads they can be
>> reused. With HTTP2 push the server can send the resource to the client
>> together with the notification itself, so that data is available together
>> with the notification. I do not see something like possible with Early
>> Hints?
> IIRC, H2/Push isn't really well-suited for the notification part though,
> and the push design has proven problematic in practice (i.e. overpushing).
> That said, going back to your SSE/WebSocket (notification / commands) +
> Fetch based solution, I think there might be an opportunity.
> Mark Nottingham recently wrote an article
> <https://www.mnot.net/blog/2022/02/20/websockets> which seems related.
> What Mark calls Intermediation in his article is appealing, including for
> browsers.
> If the browser had an understanding that new resources are being announced
> through this notification channel, it could take care of the rest (i.e.
> only load what's missing, cache them, etc) and make sure that everything is
> working as usual (e.g. service worker) without requiring web developers to
> roll their own workarounds.
> Perhaps, we would see a lot more adoption of such a fancy technique if it
> embraced the existence of intermediaries eager to help.
> It could even be something that is announced in the response for the main
> resource, which the browser would subscribe to automatically.
> Mark suggests options for SSE, WebSocket/WebTransport, or HTTP itself.
> I'm a bit skeptical of the last one because that would be an entirely new
> endeavor.
> Augmenting SSE seems less risky / faster, and possibly features a better
> adoption story (already deployed / well-understood).
> I'm assuming that we could define a special type of event (binary even?)
> that intermediaries including browsers would understand (i.e. the data
> would be some usual HTTP lingo).
> *Caveat: none of this has been vetted by the engineering team, so I could
> be extremely naive about the cost & risks.*
> Thoughts?
>> Another limitation of Early Hints seems to be that resources which
>> require Authorization header cannot be preloaded, am I mistaken? With HTTP2
>> push you can push such a resource and add a corresponding anticipated
>> header.
>> Mitar
>> On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 7:05 AM Kenji Baheux <kenjibah...@chromium.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Thomas,
>>> I'm part of the team working on Early Hints.
>>> On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 6:58 AM BIANCONI Thomas <
>>> thomas.bianc...@loreal.com> wrote:
>>>> I am sad to read this...
>>>> A new step before the deprecation of server push.
>>>> I would love to see comparaison in term of performance between server
>>>> push and early hint.
>>>> On a pure theoric point of view early hint starts during the html
>>>> parsing whereas the server push start with the response header. So server
>>>> push by design is better.
>>> If I understand correctly, I believe that there is some misunderstanding
>>> about Early Hints.
>>> Clearly, it's on us to make this easier to understand. Sorry...
>>> We'll put extra efforts in providing clear & detailed developer
>>> documentation when Early Hints ships.
>>> In the meantime, here is a high level summary of what Early Hints is,
>>> and how it works:
>>>    1. Early Hints is a status code (103) which is used in HTTP
>>>    responses while the server is preparing the final response. This
>>>    intermediate response can include other HTTP headers, in particular LINK
>>>    REL headers such as preload or preconnect.
>>>    2. In some cases, it can take time for the server to prepare the
>>>    main response: accessing the DB, having an edge cache go talk to the 
>>> origin
>>>    server, etc. So, the idea is to speed up overall page load times by 
>>> giving
>>>    the browser hints about what it might do while waiting for the actual
>>>    response. Typically, the hints are about critical sub-resources or 
>>> origins
>>>    which would be used by the final response.
>>>    3. The browser processes these hints, and decides to preconnect or
>>>    preload any missing origins/resources while waiting for the final 200 OK
>>>    response (usually containing the main resource). Since the browser got 
>>> some
>>>    work done ahead of time, the overall page load time is improved.
>>> In other words, the key point here is that Early Hints doesn't start
>>> during the HTML parsing: it starts with the non-final response headers, way
>>> before HTML parsing kicks in since that is blocked on the final response.
>>> See this section of the RFC
>>> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8297#:~:text=The%20following%20example%20illustrates%20a%20typical%20message%20exchange%20that%0A%20%20%20involves%20a%20103%20(Early%20Hints)%20response.>
>>> for an example of how this looks at the HTTP level.
>>>> Regarding the complexity to put it in place early hints is easy when
>>>> you serve different page but for Single Page Application the build process
>>>> don't generate differentiate serving based on the route since the routing
>>>> of the application is generally managed in the frontend.
>>>> So for Single Page Application to managed server push not global to all
>>>> route it will more complexe to include it in the build process.
>>> The MPA angle is indeed easier, deployment wise.
>>> We'll look into the SPA case in more details including discussion with
>>> various framework authors.
>>> I hope this was useful.
>>>> Just wanted to share my feeling about this whole topic.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Regards
>>>> *Thomas BIANCONI*
>>>> Head of Data Technologies
>>>> & Data Privacy Champion
>>>> Global CDMO Team
>>>> 41 Rue Martre - 92110 Clichy
>>>> *Mob* : +33 (0) 6 15 35 33 57 <+33%206%2015%2035%2033%2057>
>>>> *Ph* : +33 (0) 1 47 56 45 95 <+33%201%2047%2056%2045%2095>
>>>> *E-mail* : thomas.bianc...@loreal.com
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *De :* Chris Harrelson <chris...@chromium.org>
>>>> *Envoyé :* mercredi 2 mars 2022 18:51
>>>> *À :* Daisuke Enomoto <denom...@chromium.org>
>>>> *Cc :* blink-dev <blink-dev@chromium.org>; las...@chromium.org <
>>>> las...@chromium.org>; pme...@chromium.org <pmee...@chromium.org>;
>>>> Francesco Montanari <francesco.montan...@outlook.com>; Maxim Makarov <
>>>> maxpain...@gmail.com>; b...@chromium.org <b...@chromium.org>;
>>>> dsch...@chromium.org <dschin...@chromium.org>; ians...@chromium.org <
>>>> iansw...@chromium.org>; rektide <rekt...@gmail.com>; Ben Lesh <
>>>> b...@benlesh.com>; Andrew Wilder <and...@andrewwilder.com>; Vito De
>>>> Giosa <vito.degi...@gmail.com>
>>>> *Objet :* Re: [blink-dev] Re: Intent to Remove: HTTP/2 and gQUIC
>>>> server push
>>>> Notice: External mail
>>>> The API owners met today and discussed this intent at some length.
>>>> We are very happy that Early Hints is showing very positive promise in
>>>> terms of experimental data, and feel the positive experimental data is
>>>> enough to justify starting the process to remove HTTP/2 push.
>>>> To that end, we approve starting official deprecation of the feature
>>>> now, with a (publicly communicated) goal to remove support from Chromium in
>>>> the next 6-9 months. We  recommend publishing a blog post describing what's
>>>> happening and the recommended migration paths.
>>>> However, we would like to see an Early Hints intent-to-ship before
>>>> approving actual removal of HTTP/2 Push; please do not consider this an
>>>> email an approval to actually remove it until we send LGTMs for such. Our
>>>> understanding is that Early Hints is well on the way to a finished spec and
>>>> readiness to ship, and the remaining pieces of the specification are to
>>>> nail down integration with other related APIs such as Fetch. We think this
>>>> sounds feasible to complete and reach a shipped-in-stable-channel status
>>>> within the proposed deprecation period, which would allow sites to
>>>> potentially have a seamless transition.
>>>> We recognize that this is a long time period, and especially long given
>>>> the time since the start of the request to deprecate. The reason is that
>>>> we'd really like to avoid the "old thing is deprecated, new thing is not
>>>> yet available" situation if possible. Thank you everyone for your patience
>>>> and efforts.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 1:47 AM Daisuke Enomoto <denom...@chromium.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> We conducted an experiment for Early Hints (chromestatus
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://chromestatus.com/feature/5207422375297024__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzNtkXfmC$>)
>>>> with partners in Q3 - Q4, 2021. The experiment data suggests that the
>>>> performance impact is highly positive. Based on these insights, we are
>>>> confident that Early Hints will be a viable alternative to H/2 Push for
>>>> performance use cases. In addition, by design Early Hints will not run into
>>>> the overpushing concerns that bogged down H/2 Push. We are working with
>>>> some of our partners to share a bit more details.
>>>> Next steps (for Early Hints)
>>>> We are actively working on finalizing the shipping plan / timeline. In
>>>> particular, Early Hints requires updating multiple specs. Once our plan
>>>> becomes clearer, the details will be shared on a new Intent to Ship thread.
>>>> Non performance use cases
>>>> For other perceived use cases beyond performance improvements, we
>>>> recommend sharing more details over at WICG Discourse
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://discourse.wicg.io/__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzG_bdCve$>
>>>> with a focus on the problem you are trying to solve rather than how H/2
>>>> Push could be used. In addition, if you currently rely on H/2 Push in ways
>>>> that Early Hints can’t address, please share details
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://discourse.wicg.io/__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzG_bdCve$>
>>>> about how critical this is to your product/service, on top of your use 
>>>> case.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Daisuke
>>>> On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 6:40 PM Morgaine <rekt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure if you are being deliberately cruel & malicious, or just
>>>> accidentally cruel. Web developers have been begging for Fetch to please
>>>> for the love of everything holy please report HTTP PUSH responses for 3/4
>>>> of a decade now, so we might implement Webpush Protocol or other similar
>>>> reactive techniques via using Push. There have been a couple explorations
>>>> of this, but after a series of proposals, nothing has materialized, nothing
>>>> has developed. Rather than ever making PUSH useful, rather than acknowledge
>>>> that PUSH could implement a reactive, Webpush Protocl like system, you seem
>>>> intent on using negligence to destroy the baby before it has a chance. This
>>>> has been requested & begged for, there's been a couple spins, but you seem
>>>> ready to destroy possibility in this deprecation, before even having made
>>>> the most minimum bid to make the technology useful. Please, heed
>>>> https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/51
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/51__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzGDYL5uJ$>
>>>> & try to do some little bit of good in the world, before you go running off
>>>> macabely destroying possibility.
>>>> Chrome had a number of attempts where some good responsible smart
>>>> actually-know-something developers saw that PUSH could be useful, and
>>>> proposed trying to make Fetch spec be useful, proposed making PUSH useful.
>>>> That the current crop of developers doesn't understand & see this
>>>> possibility, either denies or is ignorant to the sad long history of
>>>> begging, pretty please, to let us observe & react to PUSH requests, is a
>>>> tragedy. We are headed for using HTTP3-over-WebTransport, because ya'll are
>>>> sending in the wrecking ball, rather than following up & doing the bear
>>>> minimum, most essential, most basic spec-authoring work on Fetch, that was
>>>> begged for, pleaded for, for 3/4 of a decade now. This is such a sad sad
>>>> route, and it's going to be such a gross boondogle working around the
>>>> apathy browser developers gave for PUSH, their unlove, their incapability
>>>> to provide even some simple basic capabilities to use PUSH.
>>>> https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/51
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/51__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzGDYL5uJ$>
>>>> needed some love. It still does. Turn the ship around. Do the minimum
>>>> viable feature, before you decide to axe it. You might even be able to not
>>>> put the PUSH into cache, if that makes you happy, so long as you provide an
>>>> alternative means to receive the PUSH responses to a Fetch. Doing nothing,
>>>> permitting nothing: that's such a misdeed. Please, again, don't do this.
>>>> And don't tell us something that is deeply related, that is at the heart of
>>>> this disaster, that has gone unaddressed & unimprove for so long, is
>>>> unrelated.
>>>> On Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 9:42:26 AM UTC-4 las...@chromium.org
>>>> wrote:
>>>> No, the Push API (
>>>> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Push_API
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Push_API__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzHd5HvEU$>)
>>>> is entirely unrelated other than the name.
>>>> -Brad
>>>> On Wed, Jun 30, 2021, 9:00 AM Vito De Giosa <vito.d...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Does it mean that also that the webpush protocol, Push Api won't work
>>>> anymore?
>>>> On Monday, 28 June 2021 at 17:15:54 UTC+2 pme...@chromium.org wrote:
>>>> It feels like there are a lot of different things going on here and it
>>>> might be useful to unpack it a bit.
>>>> Web Vitals thresholds - they aren't a hard line where you pass or you
>>>> don't. The last updates from the team explained that each metric is looked
>>>> at independently and there is a progressive boost in the "needs
>>>> improvement" zone based on how close a given URL is to the "good"
>>>> threshold. That doesn't really help if you're being held to the "number of
>>>> URLs that need improvement" in the search console but there is not much
>>>> practical difference between a 2.6 and a 2.5 LCP (not like the cliff that
>>>> it initially sounded like it would be).
>>>> Layout Shifts from late-loading fonts - Using PUSH to try to fix this
>>>> race condition feels like the wrong tool for the job. Even with
>>>> font-display: block it is possible that a text element won't be sized
>>>> correctly until the font loads, causing something after it in the DOM to be
>>>> moved. Preload can help get the font loaded sooner so it will be there at
>>>> layout time more often but it will still be racy. PUSH is also still racy
>>>> but makes it even more likely that the font will be there early but at the
>>>> cost of delaying literally everything else (including the HTML in a lot of
>>>> cases). It feels like we need a better primitive to tell the browser to
>>>> block layout until the text sizes are known (if that is something a site
>>>> wants to do) so that things can still load asynchronously but the rendering
>>>> can be controlled. It's a lot like CSS blocking layout/render - otherwise
>>>> unstyled content is flashed for FOUC. font-display: block prevents the
>>>> render of text in the wrong font but nothing lets you block incorrect
>>>> layout (that I know of). Fixing that properly rather than wedging fonts
>>>> ahead of everything else is a better fix.
>>>> Push sounds like a great solution, particularly when it can be done
>>>> intelligently to not push resources already in cache and if it can exactly
>>>> only fill the wait time while a CDN edge goes back to an origin for the
>>>> HTML but getting those conditions right in practice is extremely rare. In
>>>> virtually every case I have seen, the pushed resources end up delaying the
>>>> HTML itself, the CSS and other render-blocking resources. Delaying the HTML
>>>> is particularly bad because it delays the browser's discovery of all of the
>>>> other resources on the page.  Preload works with the normal document
>>>> parsing and resource discovery, letting preloaded resources intermix with
>>>> other important resources and giving the dev, browsers and origins more
>>>> control over prioritization.
>>>> On Friday, June 25, 2021 at 7:32:05 PM UTC-4 Brad Lassey wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2021, 6:58 PM Andrew Wilder <and...@andrewwilder.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Interesting, thanks Brad.
>>>> I'd imagine that the performance benefit is actually greater for sites
>>>> that don't use a CDN at all, since one RT is likely to take much longer
>>>> Due to initial window sizes, one RT worth of data is measured in bytes,
>>>> not time and does not vary based on round trip times.
>>>> ... so if you're only looking at CDNs, that might explain part of the
>>>> difference?
>>>> We looked at all sites that were using Push, but in addition cut the
>>>> data by CDN to look for correlations.
>>>> With the extremely tight requirements of Core Web Vitals, one
>>>> round-trip's time potentially *could* make a significant difference in
>>>> some cases.  I was recently working on a site where I just couldn't get the
>>>> Largest Contentful Paint metric to pass the 75th percentile of 2.5s in
>>>> CRuX.  I was stuck, soooo close, at 2.6s. (And it was testing great in Lab
>>>> Data...just not in the field data, frustratingly)
>>>> I'd suggest you look at how big your initial resources are and what's
>>>> left over after the initial window. Again, the reference to a round trip is
>>>> to the amount of data, not time.
>>>> A roundtrip can take well over 100ms, so that alone could be enough to
>>>> shave off 0.1s under the right conditions, or maybe more, to get the site
>>>> to pass CWV.  But I also stopped short of actually bothering to implement
>>>> and test this when I saw this thread (I wasn't even sure if Chrome was
>>>> still working for Server Push or not -- though I see that was answered a
>>>> few messages back.)
>>>> I don't think I would have argued this point before core web vitals,
>>>> since one round-trip does seem nearly negligible -- but because now we have
>>>> *absolute* metrics we need to hit, which are pretty tough in some
>>>> cases, I think keeping this one additional tool in the toolbelt may be
>>>> worthwhile...
>>>> Thanks again,
>>>> Andrew
>>>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 3:28 PM Brad Lassey <las...@chromium.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2021, 4:53 PM Andrew Wilder <and...@andrewwilder.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Brad, thanks for the clarification.  We're definitely utilizing preload
>>>> -- that's pretty much "table stakes" for passing Core Web Vitals at this
>>>> point. We're also utilizing many other tools, including Critical Path CSS
>>>> and delaying JavaScript until after user interaction. Those are far more
>>>> complicated to implement properly than Server Push (especially with
>>>> Cloudflare's excellent implementation, as Francesco pointed out).
>>>> The new Page Experience requirements from Google have changed the game
>>>> when it comes to site speed. Previously, speed was known to be a ranking
>>>> factor, but the details were secret, and it was more of a "relative" factor
>>>> compared to the competition. "Just be faster than your competition" was
>>>> sufficient before.
>>>> But with Core Web Vitals, the requirements are now absolute criteria,
>>>> and it's pass/fail regardless of other sites in your vertical. There's no
>>>> gray area here -- and for many sites, passing all three CWV criteria, while
>>>> keeping the features that site owners need, is quite challenging.
>>>> Furthermore, you mentioned "this depreciation represents a low risk of
>>>> web breakage."  But keeping Server Push is not detrimental - it has *zero
>>>> risk* of web breakage. So why remove support for it?
>>>> So it seems we have one department of Google (Search) pushing for a
>>>> faster web, and another Department (Chrome) considering taking away a tool
>>>> that, with proper implementation, should actually help achieve that goal.
>>>> Having said that, the truly important question that we're kind of
>>>> dancing around is:* Is Server Push actually beneficial?  *
>>>> If the answer to that is "yes," then I think it's better for Chrome to
>>>> keep supporting it -- and, instead of killing it, to make efforts to
>>>> increase adoption.
>>>> But if you're able to demonstrate that, when properly implemented, it
>>>> has no *actual *speed/CWV benefits compared to using <preload> links
>>>> in the <head>, I'll be grateful because it means I don't have to spend time
>>>> finding that out on my own.  :)
>>>> Our data shows that it is not providing a speed benefit in practice and
>>>> in fact is an overall slight performance regression for Chrome users.
>>>> As far as differentiating "proper" use versus naive use, I cut the data
>>>> by which CDN hosted each domain and didn't see any one CDN with a net
>>>> performance benefit, which I interpret as not indicating that there is
>>>> necessarily a proper vs improper way to use the feature. This intuitively
>>>> makes sense as the theoretical potential benefit over preload is
>>>> vanishingly small (1 RT worth of data minus your initial resource) and
>>>> depending on the situation very possibly nil, versus the relatively high
>>>> penalty of pushing the wrong thing.
>>>> Thanks again,
>>>> Andrew
>>>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:25 PM Francesco Montanari <
>>>> francesco...@outlook.com> wrote:
>>>> It's not necessarily complex to implement for the developer.
>>>> For example, Cloudflare gives it by default, you just need to add the
>>>> HTTP preload header (
>>>> https://www.cloudflare.com/it-it/website-optimization/http2/serverpush/
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cloudflare.com/it-it/website-optimization/http2/serverpush/__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzN4sNSwd$>
>>>> )
>>>> and they have a smart implementation of it, they push assets only at
>>>> the first visit, they don't push them again when they know the browser
>>>> should have it already in its cache.
>>>> They also were the first to offer SSL for free to everyone in 2014, and
>>>> today nobody would pay for a SSL cert. So good things take time to
>>>> spread...
>>>> It's just a matter of time, when the WordPress themes start adding the
>>>> preload HTTP header for their resources (it's a one-liner in PHP), all the
>>>> wordpress sites which are on cloudflare will automatically have HTTP push
>>>> with zero configuration, and the usage stats will rise as well.
>>>> On Friday, 25 June 2021 at 22:58:41 UTC+3 las...@chromium.org wrote:
>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>> I just want to clarify one point, we are proposing to depreciate and
>>>> remove HTTP Push because it has not proven to provide performance benefits
>>>> over other, less complex and technically burdensome techniques such as
>>>> preload (which I would encourage you to look at if you haven't already).
>>>> The discussion of the amount of usage of Push is largely making the case
>>>> that this depreciation represents a low risk of web breakage.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Brad
>>>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2021, 1:08 PM Andrew Wilder <and...@andrewwilder.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I meant to say that Origin Summary CLS is just over 0.10, and/or
>>>> LCP is 2.6s or 2.7s.  Just wanted to clear that up so you don't think I
>>>> don't know what I'm talking about! 😉
>>>> On Friday, June 25, 2021 at 10:02:13 AM UTC-7 Andrew Wilder wrote:
>>>> I run an agency that supports and maintains over 500 WordPress sites --
>>>> and we do a lot of site speed optimization work. Most of them are food
>>>> blogs, and because of their complexity, it's very difficult to get them to
>>>> pass the three Core Web Vitals requirements (especially LCP and CLS).
>>>> I've been experimenting with Server Push as a way to get assets loaded
>>>> faster -- especially web fonts, which are often a source of shifts, as they
>>>> switch from the default fallback font to the web font. Often we run into
>>>> situations where the Origin Summary CLS is 2.6 or 2.7 seconds.  Being able
>>>> to get fonts loaded earlier may help prevent shifts as they load; or to
>>>> shave off even 0.1 second for the LCP element (especially if it's an image)
>>>> may be enough to get the site to pass CWV completely.
>>>> On some sites we exhausted other ways to speed things up to pass CWV,
>>>> and it was starting to look like Server Push might be able to get us across
>>>> the finish line. But I paused on getting further into development on this,
>>>> because I found this thread! Unfortunately, you're now creating a
>>>> self-fulfilling prophecy of killing off Server Push.  By announcing that
>>>> you're considering removing it -- primarily because not enough people use
>>>> it -- you're discouraging further people to start using it!  Oh, the irony.
>>>> Considering Google's push on site speed and Core Web Vitals, it seems
>>>> quite contradictory for you to disable Server Push. Instead, it would be
>>>> far better to invest more resources into helping people utilize it -- and
>>>> making it more effective to help improve speed and user experience.
>>>> On Friday, June 25, 2021 at 8:45:09 AM UTC-7 Maxim Makarov wrote:
>>>> Please don't remove HTTP/2 Server Push support
>>>> On Monday, June 21, 2021 at 5:32:25 PM UTC+3 b...@chromium.org wrote:
>>>> Hi Francesco,
>>>> Responding to the first part of your email only: no, HTTP/2 push is
>>>> currently not disabled by default or removed from Chrome.  However, there
>>>> is a 1% holdback experiment running on Stable channel to allow monitoring
>>>> of *hypothetical* performance benefits.  If push does not work for you,
>>>> your browser session might have been randomly assigned to the experiment.
>>>> In that case, restarting Chrome will fix it (with 99% probability).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Bence
>>>> On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 3:58 PM Francesco Montanari <
>>>> francesco...@outlook.com> wrote:
>>>> Is it already removed? I've implemented it but it doesn't seem to work
>>>> in Chrome.
>>>> Anyway, please don't kill it.
>>>> Now that Google Search is deploying the "web vitals" update, which
>>>> makes the loading speed a key factor for ranking, more and more developers
>>>> are working to improve the sites speed, and pushing key assets would be
>>>> very helpful.
>>>> On Monday, 7 June 2021 at 23:25:02 UTC+3 rektide wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 2:11 PM Brad Lassey <las...@chromium.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 10:25 PM Morgaine <rek...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As I stated in the very first reply to this thread, it is a horrific
>>>> tragedy that the situation is like this. It's been HALF A DECADE OF
>>>> IGNORING DEVELOPERS on https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/65
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/65__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzEiQWO2T$>
>>>> and https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/607
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/607__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzFbdSMTO$>
>>>> , who have begged for fetch to support push, have BEGGED, & gotten no
>>>> where. To say that the fetch spec does not mention push is to spit in our
>>>> faces. This is farce & tragedy. Perhaps it's only ignorance you speak from,
>>>> but I can not be more hurt to hear you say this. I have repeated time &
>>>> time again in countless threads the desires for fetch to PLEASE FOR THE
>>>> LOVE OF GOD support fetch. It's insulting that there has been zero 
>>>> progress.
>>>> I am sorry that my words had this effect on you. I believe the use
>>>> cases that you've articulated are being addressed with WebTransport (
>>>> https://github.com/w3c/webtransport/
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/w3c/webtransport/__;!!IY5JXqZAIQ!tuPS5CAhthikdjYO2ritj17L4LiN-pYSY7buCcpWke1SVokLk44YNKR45xzrzAN4tjvn$>).
>>>> If you don't believe so, can you file issues there to make sure they are
>>>> properly considered?
>>>> It seems farcical to me that we are going to need to run HTTP3 over
>>>> WebTransport to get a usable implementation of Push.
>>>> The browser should be good at HTTP. We should have these capabilities.
>>>> Deciding to make everyone invent and bring their own userland WebTransport
>>>> stack to be able to tell that an HTTP resource was pushed is a huge waste
>>>> of bandwidth to send that userland stack, & a colossal mass of complexity
>>>> to do the tunneling, & generates a far far more complex networking
>>>> situation than if the browser would implement the one optional part of
>>>> HTTP. Where-as before an a service might have run on HTTP3, pushed a
>>>> resource, & seen it arrive, the service must host an WebTransport tunnel
>>>> that carries HTTP3 inside of it. Now we have to worry about X-Forwarded-For
>>>> like concerns.
>>>> WebPush Protocol already takes advantage of these capabilities, for
>>>> example, to create a simple to implement, elegant notification service,
>>>> used by all browsers: but without the Fetch standards I linked, it is
>>>> unusable for such obvious cause. Without Push, we grow complex systems like
>>>> grpc-web, which are partial, incomplete, radically complex alternatives to
>>>> what the browser ought just be able to do, what only the most minor, long
>>>> requested additions to Push would have allowed.
>>>> And now here we are, building Early Hints to try to reclaim only the
>>>> most minor, smallest of advantages Push gave us. Focused only on this one
>>>> tiny bit of the puzzle. And told that we must DIY alternatives if we want
>>>> them, using WebTransport, and told that this web browser will not support
>>>> the one optional component of the HTTP standard.
>>>> Words have not had an effect on me. This decision continues to have a
>>>> profound & disturbing effect on me, and it should be reversed. Hopefully
>>>> before we need to start implementing HTTP3 over WebTransport, but I rather
>>>> suspect not.
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