Dear Henry, Egon and Blue Obelisk team,

Today Peter (Murray-Rust) and I had a conversation about the future of the
source-code repositories of the WWMM and CML ( projects.  The
repositories in and are
all using Mercurial (hg) and as Bitbucket has announced the end of their
support of Mercurial, they are subject to deletion next summer (see below).

Peter and I have agreed that we want to transfer all of the repositories
(which include projects like oscar4, JUMBO, the JUMBO-converters, the CML
schema and dictionaries) over into a new "Organization" on GitHub which
would then allow to grant merge privileges or even transfer ownership in
case a new "Doctor Who" wants to take on development.

Peter suggested that the "Blue Obelisk" might be a good place for the
repositories and I see that already exists
and contain the code for the Blue Obelisk website and  Blue Obelisk Data

We would like to get your feedback on a number of points:

   - Do you also think that would be a good
   home for the WWMM and CML repositories?  The names wwmm and cml are already
   taken on

   - With already containing data, should we
   create "Teams" within the "BlueObelisk-org" to  keep things tidy and manage

   - Should we at some point migrate the website to be hosted
   directly out of the Git-repository?
   This would allow publishing updates simply by merging Pull Requests. Who
   runs the current website (and manages the domain)? Henry?

I'd be happy to work on migrating the repositories from Bitbucket (hg) to
GitHub (git) over the holidays and even try using GitHub Actions or
Travis-CI for building for some select repositories.

What are your thoughts?

Peter and Oliver

On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 2:56 PM Oliver Stueker wrote:

> Dear Peter, Mark and Quixote team,
> As you are probably aware, Atlassian has announced in August that they
> will be sunsetting their support of Mercurial in Bitbucket, a process that
> will end with the removal of all Mercurial repositories on June 1st, 2020.
> From 2014 to 2016, our team at Memorial University has expanded the
> JUMBO-converters as well as a few CML-CompChem dictionaries, however so far
> we fell short at contributing our changes back to the original projects.
> Now with the risk of all the work being lost when Bitbucket pulls the plug
> on Mercurial, it's time to take action.
> The first course of action from my side will be to create Pull-Requests
> containing our work done in the JUMBO-converters and
> repositories, because it will be much harder to merge them after the
> Mercurial-repositories have been moved elsewhere or converted to Git.
> Next is the question of what will happen to all the Mercurial repositories
> at and ?
>    - Do all repositories need to be migrated?
>    I think I've counted 50 repositories but I have no idea how many of
>    them contain data that has later-on been combined into other repositories.
>    - Should they be converted to Git and re-uploaded to BitBucket?
>    As I understand, data about issues and pull-requests will likely get
>    lost during the process.
>    Wikis are repositories as well and can/need to be converted from
>    Mercurial to Git  as well.
>    It might be possible to export and re-import the issues though.
>    - Maybe move to another hosting site?  GitHub? GitLab?
>    Unfortunately and are
>    already taken.
> I'm happy to pitch in and work on migrating *some* of the repositories.
> As I had been working with Git quite a lot before my work on
> JUMBO-converters, I have been using the git-remote-gh plugin
> <> the whole time.  This allows
> you to use the Git command line tools to work on hg repositories
> transparently.
> What are your thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Oliver
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