Mika Hanhijärvi <mik...@gmail.com> writes:

> I just would like to create my own braille tetris :-)

I have written a braille tetris recently.
However, it does not use BrlAPI, it uses Unicode Braille characters to
display the state of the game directly on the console.

You can find it here: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/betris

If you install the Haskell Stack tool, you can easily build it with:

git clone https://github.com/mlang/betris
cd betris
stack build

If that is too complicated, you can also get the prebuilt executable
from here:

wget https://blind.guru/betris
chmod +x betris

When playing, remember that this is a horizontal version of tetris.  So
the functions of the cursor keys has been rotate as well.  Cursor
up/down will move the tile, and cursor left will drop it.

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