> On Oct 27, 2016, at 10:44 AM, Phil Race <philip.r...@oracle.com> wrote:
> No, we are definitely shipping those.
> Unless of course you think we should stop shipping JNI headers too …

No.  I tried to understand what is external interface.  I took it that these 
header files are external interfaces.

I reviewed:

Please move AccessBridgeCalls.c to  src/jdk.accessibility/windows/native/bridge 

Right now, the header files to be packaged in the JMOD file and linked into the 
image is white-listed in the makefile.

Ultimately, we want the entire directory to contain only header files for 
external interfaces and then the build can simply take all files under 
src/${MODULE}/share,${OS}/native/include and get rid of the hardcoded list in 
the makefile.  We are not there yet - one open issue is related to the 
duplicated header files in VM and JDK and some are private and some are 
external.  But we should prepare for that.


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