
The HTTP 407 code means that you need some authorization for a proxy:
Does it help?
Best regards,

Jérôme LELEU
Founder of CAS in the cloud: www.casinthecloud.com | Twitter: @leleuj
Chairman of CAS: www.jasig.org/cas | Creator of pac4j: www.pac4j.org

2014-06-10 15:37 GMT+02:00 MrCrowley <mrcrowley...@yahoo.it>:

> Hi there,
> I have CAS 3.4.3 working in production envirovment within a cluster and
> apache as webserver in front of Websphere 6.1.
> Now for some reasons I have to put two application on a development
> environment which for a lot of reasons is quite different.
> Basically I have the CAS war and myApplication.The two are deployed on
> same WAS 6.1 singlenode.
> Keep in mind I use spring security in the app and I want to go in plain
> HTTP for now.
> So when I request a protected URL in myApplication I'm correctly
> redirected to CAS webapp, I go through the login process and I'm granted a
> ticket, but when I close the trip with the request back to myAPP with the
> ticket i get this exception:
>  2014-06-10 15:24:04,429 INFO
> [org.jasig.cas.authentication.AuthenticationManagerImpl] -
>   <AuthenticationHandler:
> org.jasig.cas.adaptors.jdbc.QueryDatabaseAuthenticationHandler successfully
> authenticated the user
>   which provided the following credentials: [username: usrname]>
> [10/06/14 15:24:04:444 CEST] 00000501 SystemOut     O 2014-06-10
> 15:24:04,429 INFO [org.jasig.cas.CentralAuthenticationServiceImpl] -
>  <Granted service ticket [ST-2-LY6mdKFA4RODJUo0WLH2-cas] for service
>  [http://theserver:9080/myApplication/j_spring_cas_security_check] for
> user [usrname]>
> [10/06/14 15:24:04:476 CEST] 00000501 Cas20ServiceT E
> org.jasig.cas.client.validation.AbstractCasProtocolUrlBasedTicketValidator
> retrieveResponseFromServer java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP
> response code: 407 for URL:
> http://theserver:9080/CAS/serviceValidate?service=http%3A%2F%2Ftheserver%3A9080%myApplication%2Fj_spring_cas_security_check&ticket=ST-2-LY6mdKFA4RODJUo0WLH2-cas&;
>                                  java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP
> response code: 407 for
>                                  URL:
> http://theserver:9080/CAS/serviceValidate?service=http%3A%2F%2Ftheserver%3A9080%2FmyApplication%2Fj_spring_cas_security_check&ticket=ST-2-LY6mdKFA4RODJUo0WLH2-cas&;
> at
> sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1179)
> at
> org.jasig.cas.client.validation.AbstractCasProtocolUrlBasedTicketValidator.retrieveResponseFromServer(AbstractCasProtocolUrlBasedTicketValidator.java:35)
> at
> org.jasig.cas.client.validation.AbstractUrlBasedTicketValidator.validate(AbstractUrlBasedTicketValidator.java:178)
> at
> org.springframework.security.cas.authentication.CasAuthenticationProvider.authenticateNow(CasAuthenticationProvider.java:131)
> at
> org.springframework.security.cas.authentication.CasAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(CasAuthenticationProvider.java:117)
> at
> org.springframework.security.authentication.ProviderManager.doAuthentication(ProviderManager.java:130)
> at
> org.springframework.security.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationManager.authenticate(AbstractAuthenticationManager.java:48)
> at
> org.springframework.security.cas.web.CasAuthenticationFilter.attemptAuthentication(CasAuthenticationFilter.java:111)
> at
> org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(Abs
> Any IDEAS?I'm going crazy!
> Thanks a lot
> --
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