Hi Franco,

Here's an ancient tutorial -

The files referenced should be at


On Mon, 2 Sep 2019, 9:14 am Franco, <francocuro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks you for your replies. I actually found the same problems David and
> Andrew mentioned. In bigger models there is a lot of line overlaid, and you
> don't have control over the block size. I didn't know about mdl2m, that is
> a big time saver! Because most of the time I was manually extracting the
> position of each block in my parametrized system.
> I'm also interested in the the 'black box' that Jack mentioned. Is there a
> tutorial or memo on the topic? I found this
> https://github.com/casper-astro/publications/blob/master/Memos/files/Black_box_memo.pdf
> but it seems to focus on creating black boxes from existing blocks.
> Thanks,
> Franco
> On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 2:25 AM Andrew Martens <and...@ska.ac.za> wrote:
>> To add to what Dave has said. I found that having no control over the
>> relative size and placement of the blocks when using xBlocks made it hard
>> to see what was happening, making the design write-only and hard to debug.
>> Generating scipts can be tedious though. The mdl2m.m script in the
>> casper_library folder will grovel through a model and generate an
>> associated script which can help save time and effort in this regard.
>> Regards
>> Andrew
>> On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, 00:33 David MacMahon, <dav...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>> I could be wrong, but as I recall, the block diagrams created via
>>> xBlocks were (at least at the time) not very conducive to visualizing the
>>> structure of the diagrams (e.g. lots of lines/traces overlaid on top of
>>> each other).  This was not a serious problem when everything worked as it
>>> should, but it was a nightmare when it didn't.
>>> Dave
>>> On Aug 30, 2019, at 15:21, Dan Werthimer <d...@ssl.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>> i don't know much about xblocks, so can't add much to jack's comments,
>>> except:
>>> about a dozen years ago chris dick and others at xilinx recommended
>>> casper use xblocks,
>>> so hong chen tried it out, and ported several of the casper dsp blocks.
>>> i think it worked well,  and hong chen liked xblocks, but it didn't
>>> catch on in the casper community.
>>> not sure why.
>>> best wishes,
>>> dan
>>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 1:39 PM Jack Hickish <jackhick...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Franco,
>>>> I don't think there's any reason not to use xblocks. Someone can
>>>> correct me if I'm wrong.
>>>> Several years ago there was a quest to move the whole casper library
>>>> to xblocks -- https://github.com/casper-astro/xblocks_devel/ -- but it
>>>> never seemed to get traction and the original libraries won over. I
>>>> suspect had the project been more aggressive about just replacing the
>>>> casper libraries it would have caught on.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Jack
>>>> On Thu, 29 Aug 2019 at 12:34, Franco <francocuro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Dear Casperites,
>>>> >
>>>> > I've recently been playing around with the creation of block
>>>> libraries and I found out about Xilinx's API for programmatic model
>>>> creation (xBlock). I find it particularly convenient because you don't have
>>>> to explicitly position the blocks, as the software does all the positioning
>>>> for you, and for what I tested the results are pretty nice.
>>>> >
>>>> > However when I checked in the CASPER library, only a few blocks are
>>>> created using xBlock, and moreover, some blocks where re-implemented from
>>>> xBlock to standard Matlab block scripting.
>>>> >
>>>> > So my question is: is there any reason why I should avoid using
>>>> xBlock? The only inconvenient I have had with it for now is that you have
>>>> to install some additional libraries in Linux to make it work, which I
>>>> didn't find it documented anywhere.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> >
>>>> > Franco Curotto
>>>> >
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