Hi David,

The server is TCPBorphServer and you can find it in the tcpborphserver3
directory in the katcp directory located here:

TCPBorphServer is the control software for the Red Pitaya. It is a KATCP
server program that listens for KATCP messages on port 7147. The KATCP
specification can be found here:

I hope that helps.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 1:42 AM David Mc Carthy <davidmccar...@ucsb.edu>

> Hi All,
> I'm working with Prof. Lubin's group in UCSB, and we interested in
> trying out the Capser toolflow for spectrometry applications. We are
> experimenting at first on a Red Pitaya (125-14) to establish
> feasibility, obviously actual science will be done with something larger.
> My question is what operating system image do I need to run on the Red
> Pitaya? Also the docs imply some sort of bridging server to the Pitaya,
> what package is that?
> I have followed the tutorials to the point where I have a .fpg and a
> .bof image. However the tutorials at this point go straight to using
> capserfpga, with reference to the infrastructure already setup at your
> workshops. I have not been able to find any information on what the Zynq
> operating system/server programs are either in the various websites I've
> found or from the mailing list archives.
> Thanks in Advance,
> David Mc Carthy
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