
Where would you fit the Tandy Model 100 in here? Ultimately it supported a
disk drive,
ran basic and also sported an expansion box that included video support and
a floppy.


On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 4:18 AM Steve Lewis via cctalk <>

> Great discussions about BASIC.   I talked about the IBM 5110 flavor of
> BASIC last year (such as its FORM keyboard for quickly making structured
> input forms), and recently "re-learned" that it defaults to running with
> double-precision.  But if you use "RUNS" instead of "RUN" then the same
> code is run using single-precision (but I haven't verified yet if that
> translates into an actual runtime speed difference).  I think most of the
> "street BASICs" used single precision (if they supported floats at all).
>  But speaking of Microsoft BASIC, I think Monte Davidoff is still around
> and deserves a lot of credit for doing the floating point library in the
> initial Microsoft BASIC (but it's a bit sad that history has lost the names
> of individual contributors
> But what I mostly wanted to mention is that on the Commander X16 project,
> one special thing we now have in its System ROM is a program called
> BASLOAD.  Unfortunately we couldn't come up with a cooler name -- it's not
> a native compiler, like Blitz.  I'm not sure what you'd categorize BASLOAD
> as, a pre-parser of sorts?  By license, we were stuck with the Commodore V2
> BASIC (that was derived from Microsoft BASIC, with the story being that
> Gates wasn't so interested in a 6502 port of Microsoft BASIC, and just sold
> BASIC source code to Commodore for a flat one time fee rather than a
> license).   One of the main limitations of that V2 BASIC is the two-letter
> variable names.
> BASLOAD gives you a feel of being similar to QuickBASIC - in that you can
> do regular "BASIC things" without using line numbers.  You can have long
> variable names (like THE.SOLUTION) and you can use symbol labels in
> GOTO/GOSUB (GOTO PROCESS.MORE.DATA, where "." is used since standard
> PETSCII doesn't have an underscore).  All BASLOAD does is "convert" your
> BASIC-source text file into a tokenized Commodore V2 BASIC input file.
> Your long variables get "auto assigned" into available two-letter BASIC
> variables, and it just keeps track of the line number targets of your
> symbolic labels.  Stefan Jakonson did the actual development of BASLOAD,
> including making it "ROM-able" so that it is always available.
> Anyhow, BASLOAD has been a "game changer" to me - in that it would have
> been great to have something like it back in the 80's.  Not being
> constrained by the two-letter variable, and using symbolic label
> difference, while not dealing with line numbers at all (plus things like
> similar to a #include to import other BASLOAD source files).
> Couple more BASIC related comments:
> (1)
> There was talk regarding BASIC as an operating system.  While not fancy, I
> actually do think in a way it counts as an operating system.  Fundamentally
> as a parser, BASIC is "just" stream in an input, and some output is
> produced when you RUN.  But to get that point, you need a kind of
> "operating environment" wrapper around BASIC.   In the very early days,
> that was the line printer.  But then CRTs started to become affordable
> around 1970.  Adapting that capability with a text-generator and a console
> - you have things like the blinking cursor (between each blink, things like
> time/clock interrupts, joystick polling), and the text-screen itself is
> your editor (as a gateway to manipulate your program, one screen at a time
> with no scrollback buffer).   And similar to the line-printer days, when
> you press CR (carriage return) the content on the current line is tokenized
> and stored in memory  (sort of - again on the IBM 5100 it will parse-check
> upfront and won't let you ENTER/CR a syntactically invalid BASIC line; it
> shows this arrow on what column the error is which has to be corrected
> before the line can be committed into memory -- most "street BASIC" seem
> more forgiving about that, probably just to conserve ROM space and fit in
> under 8KB).  And the BASIC manages access to hardware like printer, serial
> port, and some file handles.
> (2)
> Microsoft BASIC appears on the 1979 NEC PC-8001, which includes disk drive
> support (similar to the later additions to Commodore BASIC also around
> 1980).  But in the NEC PC-8001 manual about BASIC, it refers to a "FAT"
> format used on disks.  So I suspect Microsoft's early work in adding disk
> drive support into BASIC did help them in maintaining that format when
> packaging up QDOS later.
> On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 10:38 PM CAREY SCHUG via cctalk <
>> wrote:
> > compiled basics too longer to run and debug because of the compile time.
> >
> > Anything I did was limited to floppy disk, or later even hard disk speed,
> > the greater speed from compiling could not be noticed.
> >
> > <pre>--Carey</pre>
> >
> > > On 05/02/2024 9:51 PM CDT Just Kant via cctalk <>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > BASICs available at bootup were nice, but really were only useful with
> 8
> > bit micros. IBM ROM BASIC was hobbled until you ran BASICA from disk. And
> > if you had a floppy it only made sense to buy a cheap compiler (Quick
> > Basic, Turbo Basic, etc.). Whatever you were missing by not dropping
> 4-500$
> > for a full product probably wasn't worth the expense.
> > >
> > >  ROM BASICs outlived their usefulness very quickly. Compiled Basic was
> > an entrance into real world development. It wasn't a tool you could do
> > everything with. But how many programmers sitting at home were creating
> > apps that were even 64k in size. Compiled Basic was the schnitzel. There
> > are also several 32/64 bit versions available for free. Carry on.
> >

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