On 5/10/24 06:44, Paul Koning wrote:
> As for "language to the machine" that's pretty much unheard of.  While there 
> certainly are languages that only were seen on one or a few machines or 
> architectures -- SYMPL, CYBIL, BLISS, TUTOR -- it isn't because that was the 
> intent of those languages.  I suppose you could pose ESPOL as an example of a 
> language for a machine, though I suspect it could have been generalized, as C 
> was, if there had been a desire to do so.

There's a third class that I haven't (yet) mentioned.  Design a machine
to solve a particular problem or class of problems.  Saxpy was such a
machine; we have bitcoin ASICs and our latest AI ventures.

What was the CM-1 programmed in?


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