Ceph version is Pacific (16.2.14), upgraded from a sloppy Octopus.

I ran afoul of all the best bugs in Octopus, and in the process
switched on a lot of stuff better left alone, including some detailed
debug logging. Now I can't turn it off.

I am confidently informed by the documentation that the first step
would be the command:

ceph daemon osd.1 config show | less

But instead of config information I get back:

Can't get admin socket path: unable to get conf option admin_socket for
osd: b"error parsing 'osd': expected string of the form TYPE.ID, valid
types are: auth, mon, osd, mds, mgr, client\n"

Which seems to be kind of insane.

Attempting to get daemon config info on a monitor on that machine

admin_socket: exception getting command descriptions: [Errno 2] No such
file or directory

Which doesn't help either.

Anyone got an idea?
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