I don't see why either.  This returns no results:

select     p.mls_number
from       properties p
where      p.mls = 'hmls'
and        p.mls_number not in ( select pc.mls_number from properties_copy
pc where pc.mls = 'hmls' )

Since 4.1 (or so), MySQL has supported subselects...

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Grant [mailto:mgr...@modus.bz] 
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 3:50 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Can't figure out a query to accomplish this...

I really don't see why your example won't work.
It should be selecting the records from properties that don't appear in
properties_copy and has 'hmls' as the mls value.
Is this not giving you the results you expect or do you just not want a sub

On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Rick Faircloth

> I'm using MySQL 5.
> I want to compare table1 to table2 and get any
> records in table1 that don't exist in table2.
> I have tried everything I could think of and that
> I could find on the 'net.
> Nothing's working.
> I've tried
>        - select where not in (subselect)
>        - select where not exists (subselect)
>        - from dual
>        - left join where null
>        - blah, blah, blah (this one really performed badly)
> How can I write this to make it work?
> select   p.mls_number
> from     properties p
> where      p.mls = 'hmls'
> and      p.mls_number not in (select pc.mls_number from properties_copy pc
> where pc.mls = 'hmls')
> Any kind suggestions for a weary soul?
> Thanks,
> Rick

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