On Mon, 27 Oct 2014, Andy Bennett wrote:

I'd be glad if some of you could test this out and tell me what you
think about it :-)

Can you give some tips for how to test this from a spiffy applications?
I usually just pass in ssl-accept instead of tcp-accept.


actually I have very little experience with spiffy, but if it can use ssl-accept, it must use ssl-listen somewhere and that's the point that would need to be adapted.

Judging by Spiffy's documentation in the Wiki you could do something like this:

  (define ear
      hostname: "localhost" port: 44344
      certificate: "my-server-cert.pem"
      private-key: "my-server-key.pem"))
  (accept-loop ear ssl-accept)

Beware, this snippet of code is completely untested!


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