On Tue, 28 Oct 2014, Florian Zumbiehl wrote:

Regarding specific improvements:

  [procedure] (ssl-make-client-context* #!key
    ((protocol <symbol>) 'tls) ((cipher-list <string|list>) "HIGH")
    ((certificate-authorities <string>) #f)
    ((certificate-authority-directory <string>) #f)
    ((verify? <boolean>) #t))

    Creates a new client context. Defaults to TLS protocol using only
    ciphers marked as strong. Loads the certificate authorities from the
    default directory unless other sources are specified and switches
    server certificate verification on by default.

I'm not convinced HIGH is actually a sensible default selection (it
includes ADH cipher suites, for example), or that cipher limitation is even
all that important security-wise: If the handshake is not compromised, the
parties should not ever select anything braindead unless one side
explicitly prefers that and/or doesn't support anything better.


well, if I understand some of the problems with SSL/TLS in the past years correctly, the fact that a specifically engineered client could force a brain-dead cipher suite selection actually posed a problem several times.

But you are certainly right about the non-authenticated schemes, maybe setting the default to "HIGH:!aNULL" makes more sense?

Selecting ciphers for specific security properties can be sensible, but
it's difficult to find a generally applicable default that's both highly
secure and widely compatible.

I think the idea here is to set some defaults that are reasonably secure, even if that means less compatible. If you want to transmit top-secret data you will need something entirely different from SSL/TLS, anyway; and if you don't care about security you can use the old API ;-)

As for protocol version selection, it would be a good idea to be able to
select multiple protocol versions for compatibility with various servers
that might not all be able to speak the same version, I guess TLS1.0 and
greater is a reasonable default for the time being. Also, I guess it would
be good to be able to explicitly select "or higher" so code specifying that
will automatically support newer TLS versions as they become available.

I agree, however the only easy to use presets in the OpenSSL library are SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS or any of them selected automatically. The latter has been the default so far, but that means the vulnerable SSLv3 can be selected, too. Judging by the documentation I'm not even sure whether TLS means TLS 1.0 or TLS in any supported version.

It would be great if someone who really groks the OpenSSL API could help out here!

As for certificates, it would be totally great if one could also specify
the certificate itself directly, without the need to put it into a file,
just in case you feel like implementing that ... ;-)

Hmm, I remember that was somehow difficult back when I first implemented the old API. I don't recall the reason and I'll just look into it again.


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