On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 04:01:40PM +0800, Pan Xie wrote:
> For example, if I want to do things shown in following codes, it is useful to 
> get the
> interned symbols from their names and also get their bound procedures:

...[code elided]...

> I think it is a very common idiom in languages from Lisp family. So it is 
> important to know
> how to check symbol is bound and get its value. Every scheme implementation 
> means for
> business seriously should have the ability.

That's a bit of a roundabout way of doing things - you're defining a
static record type and then dynamically accessing the fields, which kind
of defeats the point of defining the fields statically.  Your code
*almost* amounts to doing 

 (define (getter f)
   (eval (symbol-append 'egg-info f)))

If the fields are supposed to be dynamic, it'd make more sense to use
a hash table or alist and access the fields that way.

Or, if you insist on using a record type, perhaps a tiny bit of
macrology would help, like so:

 (import (chicken format))

 (define-record egg-info
   name author desc)
 (define (show-egg-info egg)
   (let-syntax ((fields->accessors
                  (lambda (e r c)
                    (let ((fields (cdr e))
                          (%list (r 'list))
                          (%cons (r 'cons)))
                      `(,%list ,@(map (lambda (f)
                                        `(,%cons ',f ,(symbol-append 'egg-info- 
     (for-each (lambda (name&accessor)
                 (let ((field-name (car name&accessor))
                       (field-accessor (cdr name&accessor)))
                  (format #t "~a: ~a~%"
                          (field-accessor egg))))
               (fields->accessors name author desc))))

 (show-egg-info (make-egg-info
                 "Kon Lovett"
                 "Shift/Reset Control Operators"))

This way, you're dynamically generating the code to access the record
type statically and you don't have to do low-level symbol groveling.

In Scheme, identifiers are typically not considered "global" like in
Common Lisp because of the strong module system - they can be imported
under a different name etc.  For instance, I can make a module in which
the "global" variable "list" means something entirely different.

However, CHICKEN does maintain a global symbol table with fully
qualified symbols.  So scheme#list refers to the "global" list procedure
from the "scheme" module.  But again, that's an implementation detail
you don't want to rely on in general.


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