What a beautiful boy!  Congratulations. Glad you are out of lurkdom. 


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On Jan 14, 2011, at 11:58 PM, Beth x <moonivy...@msn.com> wrote:

> [Attachment(s) from Beth x included below]
> Hi all, 
> After lurking a bit, I thought I should introduce myself. I'm a new Chi 
> owner, having adopted a long haired Chi mix the day after Thanksgiving. His 
> name is Elmo and he's quickly become the light of my life. As a former cat 
> person (went to the shelter to adopt two cats, came home with one charming 
> dog that's smaller than most cats, LOL), it's been an adjustment to me to 
> share my life with a dog so I'm hoping to learn a bit from more experienced 
> Chi owners. This seems like a nice place, I look forward to meeting you all. 
> I've attached a picture of my pretty boy, hope it comes through ok. 
> -Beth
> "It's just a moment, this time will pass." Stuck In A Moment U2

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