Well, I almost overlooked Bittie's photo.  It was nice meeting  him.
In a message dated 9/7/2011 7:14:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
flo...@yahoo.com writes:

[_Attachment(s)_ (mip://0a16ddf8/default.html#TopText)  from KH LeMarr  
included below]  
Good Evening,
I have been a lurker for a while. My name is Kitty and my Chi's  name is 
Bittie short for Little Bit. I  rescued him from the locate shelter in
Dec. of 2010. Oh what a site he was. Skin over bones. He was a  stray and 
had been at the shelter for a month. His age was estimated
to be between 6-8 months. He was neutered a  couple of weeks later. The vet 
estimated Bittie was 8-10 months old.
I had never had a chi before, always Dobermans. I am a volunteer and fost 
er home for the Doberman  Assistance Network. The only  difference I see 
between to the 2 breeds is the size. Both a loving  sweethearts as you well 
about the Chi's. I  join the group to learn about the health issues and 
etc. of the  breed.

Kitty and the Canine Gang,
Maxx,  Jill, Baby and Bits

Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.

Attachment(s) from  KH LeMarr 
1 of 1  Photo(s)  

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