Oh Gloria, many thanks.   They do love this little car seat….  not a peep out 
of them and they can watch everything that is going by.  They are such good 
little girls <G>    

On Sep 23, 2011, at 1:45 PM, twope...@aol.com wrote:

mj, what a precious photo of the girls!
In a message dated 9/23/2011 1:02:31 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
maryja...@me.com writes:

Hi Linda, 
   Took a peek at your addition.   Luna Bella is adorable and it certainly does 
sound like you did the right thing in taking care of her.  
    I live in Tucson with hubby of 50 years and our two little rescue chi 
They are both around 5.   Benji has been with us for over a year and Tilly
has been with us just 6 months.  They are best friends and so much fun to have. 
 We feel truly blessed.
    Welcome to the group, you will find lots of wonderful folks and help here.

  Benji           and        Tilly

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