I use a squirt bottle to train them to stay in yard. Back yard is fence d and 
front is not.

sent from Ann's IPAD

On Nov 16, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Lynda <thecrittersh...@comcast.net> wrote:

> I have never needed to discipline with 'alpha' issues - since I've never had 
> them - so knowing this squirt bottle might be the answer is comforting.
> "I wish my book of life was written in pencil … There are a few pages I would 
> like to erase"
> From: "Judy Moon" <judym...@cableone.net>
> To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:14:14 PM
> Subject: RE: [Chihuahuas] Disciplining a baby
> Since I rescue dogs abused, I never physically touch them for punishment.  
> For over 30 years I’ve used a squirt of water to discipline them.  It works 
> very well.
> Judy Moon, a prayer warrior in Christ's army
> "May grace and spiritual peace be yours from God our Father and from the Lord 
> Jesus Christ."
> Jewell, Mary, Martha, Dakota, Becky, Nicky, Gabby
> Dark Angel, Peter, Paul, Leah, Sarah
> Libby, the parrot
> From: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com] On 
> Behalf Of Lynda
> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12:15 PM
> To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Chihuahuas] Disciplining a baby
> Hello everyone...as you know Miss Charlotte came home to live at the 
> Crittershack on Wednesday night.  She's doing great - It's been days now 
> without an accident off the pee pads...sleeping good (and for 6 hours) in her 
> crate (and she only cries a minute or two initially) - and her crate is 9 
> times out of 10 clean and dry the next morning. I LOVE the way she smells...I 
> can't wait to get home and sniff that little puppy head.
> So...I have 2 other dogs - Liza doesn't know she's a dog and doesn't bother 
> with other dogs. She's INCREDIBLY tolerant of Timmy my schnoodle and the cats 
> (who love to lay over her for warmth).  Timmy is High Energy...he's go go go 
> until he falls asleep but gets along with Liza and the cats perfectly ...but 
> Charlotte has taken to being what appears to be 'mean' to him - growling and 
> lunging with her little 2 pound bark.  I give a 'no' command and pull her 
> back away - poor Timmy looks at me and wonders 'what did I do to deserve 
> that'? Sometimes she's relentless in pursuing him this way. He's only growled 
> at her twice but he's never been challenged so I'm not sure how far he will 
> allow her to push until he strikes back..I don't want her to get hurt - he's 
> only 14# but that's big enough. Liza and Timmy are free roaming and need 
> little disciplining anymore. I'm very proud of them.   A few people at the 
> vet's office have suggested correcting Charlotte with a little squirt of 
> water from a spritzer type bottle ... 
> I've never had to correct a dog or cat in this way - so I'm reaching out to 
> all of your for help.  I have no real place for 'time out' - I gate her in 
> the kitchen when I walk the other 2 outside - so I don't want to use that as 
> a 'punishment' place and of course I'd never use her crate. 
> HELP...
> Lynda
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