I have found out the water bottle is GREAT. One squirt w/ a NO is all it takes. 
I have used it for years w/my Dobes. All I have to do now is pick it up and 
them immediately STOP this misbehaving.    

Kitty and the Canine Gang,
Maxx, Jill, Baby and Bits

Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.
Anatoe France

From: Lynda <thecrittersh...@comcast.net>
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 2:15 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Disciplining a baby


Hello everyone...as you know Miss Charlotte came home to live at the 
Crittershack on Wednesday night.  She's doing great - It's been days now 
without an accident off the pee pads...sleeping good (and for 6 hours) in her 
crate (and she only cries a minute or two initially) - and her crate is 9 times 
out of 10 clean and dry the next morning. I LOVE the way she smells...I can't 
wait to get home and sniff that little puppy head. 
So...I have 2 other dogs - Liza doesn't know she's a dog and doesn't 
bother with other dogs. She's INCREDIBLY tolerant of Timmy my schnoodle and the 
cats (who love to lay over her for warmth).  Timmy is High Energy...he's go go 
go until he falls asleep but gets along with Liza and the cats perfectly ...but 
Charlotte has taken to being what appears to be 'mean' to him - growling and 
lunging with her little 2 pound bark.  I give a 'no' command and pull her back 
away - poor Timmy looks at me and wonders 'what did I do to deserve 
that'? Sometimes she's relentless in pursuing him this way. He's only growled 
at her twice but he's never been challenged so I'm not sure how far he will 
allow her to push until he strikes back..I don't want her to get hurt - he's 
only 14# but that's big enough. Liza and Timmy are free roaming and need little 
disciplining anymore. I'm very proud of them.   A few people at the vet's 
office have suggested
 correcting Charlotte with a little squirt of water from a spritzer type bottle 
I've never had to correct a dog or cat in this way - so I'm reaching out to all 
of your for help.  I have no real place for 'time out' - I gate her in the 
kitchen when I walk the other 2 outside - so I don't want to use that as a 
'punishment' place and of course I'd never use her crate.   


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