It sounds like you just leave him in his area and you don't pick him up to
sit by you, or carry him from one place to another.  That would be very
boring for him.  When Dolly had her knee surgery, I had to make sure that
Desi didn't get to her food and water and also I didn't want her to be in
the bedroom and I would be around the house doing things.  I put her food
bowl and a little water in the stroller and zipped up the netting around
her.  When I was in the living room, she was rolled to where I was, if I
then went to the kitchen, she was there with me also.  She was happy because
she was with me and she had what she needed.  Puppy strollers are really not
that expensive and if you got one, just put some soft blankets on the bottom
so that he would be comfortable and roll him around with you.  It would be
very lonely if he just sits in one place all day and night.  He is happy to
see you because he wags his tail, so he would like to be by you.
Additionally, if he were in a stroller it would be easier for you to play
with him.  You get a few squeaky toys and squeak them and kind of get him
interested as far as chewing on them, etc.  Sometimes I take the squeaky
toys and push them in with the little hole towards Dolly & Desi and they get
a little burst of air.they love that.


From: [] On
Behalf Of Joan Croft
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [Chihuahuas] Opinon: what to do with a very old Chihuahua



If it were me, I would ask the vet.  If he doesn't walk, he could have some
spinal problems that may have actually caused some paralysis.  If he is
paralyzed it could be that he has no pain; but if he just has something
terribly wrong with his spine he could be in a lot of pain.  Dogs don't
always outwardly show their is their natural instinct to protect
themselves against being killed by other animals.

When was the last time he was to the vet, and did the vet tell you why he
would be like this?


From: [] On
Behalf Of Rida MORWA Y
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 7:57 AM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Opinon: what to do with a very old Chihuahua



Hello there,

My older dog, a Chihuahua, has been with me for over 13 years. He is very
old and has been unable to stand up or walk for over a year now. He stays
sitting the whole day. We bring him his food and drink. He does dirty
himself when he needs to do it. 

We are happy to continue like this, because he is still aware of everything
around him, and wags his tail when we are around, and his appetite is very
good. However our friends and neighbors keep telling us we are cruel and we
should put him to sleep. However we have no evidence that he is suffering.

Do any of you have this experience? Do you think he is suffering because he
cannot walk? Are we being cruel?

Any help in this matter is appreciated. 

Thank you






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