-----Original Message-----
From: Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 3:01 pm
Subject:  [ctrl] "[T]he neighbor’s  cats tried to cover him up.”


The Voice of the White House


Washington , D.C. , April 4, 2008 :  “George Bush is a petty, vindictive  

creep. If he can’t have his way, he immediately thinks of ways to annoy  

people. He knows his days are numbered in the Oval Office and that he has  

no legacy to contemplate and is aware people hate him. He knows that the  

Texas university that is planned to house his sacred library, where he  

wants to have an elegant office, has most of their faculty opposing his  

presence and he knows his approval rating is down almost to single figures.

And what does he do? He decided to let rancher kill wolves in spite of the  

stink that made, or probably because of it, He had dredged up a slate of  

appointees that the Mexican parliament would jib at and now the word  

around this Monkey Palace is that George, with the encouragement of  

Cheney, wants to put a huge crimp in social security payments, cut  

Medicare way back and most important, cut food stamp issuance back 60%! He  

is looking for some Yoo character to tell him it’s legal to do this and  

then he will.

Why cut these vital lifelines? Because it looks like Obama might make it  

and Bush does not like blacks. The old phrase;, ‘Welfare Queens’ can be  

heard now and then and if it can be done, Bush will do it, He is a mean  

man but I have a nice joke I have been telling around here which I will  

pass on to all of you:

When George was a little boy, he saw a program on ice fishing. He decided  

he wanted to ice fish. As his family were out of town, he got a folding  

stool, an axe, a fishing pole and tackle from his father and his usual  

bottle of Jim Beam and off he went. It was winter and George knew right  

where the ice was. He put the stool down and began to chop a hole in the  

ice. Suddenly, a voice boomed out, ‘There are no fish under that ice!”  

George then picked up his stool and gear and walked a few dozen yards away  

and put everything down again. And again, when he started chopping a hole  

in the ice, the same voice boomed out again, ‘There are no fish under that  

ice”! This time George got angry. ‘Is that you, God?’ he asked in a weak  

voice. ‘No!’ came the reply. ‘It’s the skating rink manager!’

Now that’s just a story but it is true that the Bush family wouldn’t let  

little George play in their outdoor sandbox because when he did, the  

neighbor’s  cats tried to cover him up.”


Alamaine, IVe

Grand Forks, ND, US of A

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a

philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

"Being ignorant is not such a shame as being unwilling to learn." -

Poor Richard's Almanack, 1758 (Benjamin Franklin)


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