On Wed, 8 May 2024 06:56:40 GMT, Tejesh R <t...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> `postProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent ev)` method from `AquaMnemonicHandler` class is 
> reused instead of `WindowsRootPaneUI` class, any reason for that? (Since I 
> see some differences in the way they are processing the event).

In Windows, the behavior is different on press of ALT key to toggle the 
mnemonics. Please refer this 
https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/17961#issuecomment-1965074756 where it is 
mentioned that `the first press of Alt activates the menu bar and displays the 
mnemonics, the second press of Alt key returns the focus to the component which 
had the focus before Alt was pressed for the first time and removes the 
mnemonics from the menu bar.` Screenshot on Win10 can be refer here 

But in Linux I can't see that the "first press of ALT activates the menu bar 
and the second press of Alt key returns the focus to the component which had 
the focus before Alt key was pressed for first time".

So, the method `postProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent ev)` is different in linux compare 
to windows machine.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18992#issuecomment-2100033545

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