On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Nate Hill <nathanielh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I should have provided a bit more information here.
> Here's a rough in-progress view of what I'm up to.
> http://www.natehill.net/loadsketch/donerightclasses.html
> I was using processing.js to read a file and then visualize some of the
> data... you can see the circles are being generated from the values in the
> .txt file.

If you want to be able to interact with the circles (and I would!),
I'd recommend d3.js as an interface framework. SVG is slower if you
want to draw lots of elements, but your elements are part of the DOM,
so you can bind event handlers to them and such.

And d3's approach of binding data and elements together is really
elegant. It's remarkably easy to do stuff like this:


With regards to your first question: parse the text into JSON,
server-side, and send that. Modern browsers can process obscenely
large JSON arrays really fast. You could parse the text client-side,


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