If planning on using a FreeRunner as phone over WiFi you're 
better off finding some SIP VoIP provider than using Skype
with its's proprietary protocol. 
Why use closed software if the open source alternative could
do a better job. 

Regards Julian  

On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 21:15:16 +0100
joerg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am Mi  12. März 2008 schrieb Robin Paulson:
> > So, are there any issues with running software for this
> > OS under OM? is it just a matter of installing the
> > correct dependencies - hildon, etc?
> You might compile software source for use on OM, with a
> little work to fix dependencies.
> However for sure you can not run precompiled binaries made
> for another platform - e.g. skype. 
> Binaries are hw-dependent, starting with processor...
> j

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Julian Swagemakers
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str. 25
40625 Düsseldorf / Germany
Tel:    +49 211 17806334
Mobile: +49 1577 3881364
ICQ:    60615765

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