Thanks Kevin,

  I recall asking engineering what would happen if somebody disabled this
check ( hey its open source) and the general impression was that if the
charger was not capable of fast charging then you would not have nice
outcomes. I think the worse case might be if you tried to draw more than
500ma from a PC USB. Somebody not in marketing should answer that question.

-----Original Message-----
Kevin Dean
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 12:22 PM
To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Cc: steve
Subject: Re: Price of the Freerunner spare parts

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 2:58 PM, joerg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Correct, it checks for 48k-OHM resistor on ID-pin of mini-USB, then
enables 1A
>  instead of 100/500mA USB-standard.
>  You also may enable 1A-mode (and 500mA mode) via some small GUI-app IIRC.

This is possible via userspace with Bobby's application.

However, the flaw to this is that it will force fast charge even if
the charger isn't capable and hints that this could be... bad. :)

For the record, it APPEARS that with the Python application, the iGo
works just fine as a charger.


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