The idea of a homing beacon is pretty cool. I have to say, however
that havign a centralized place for this information to be stored
is... as politely as possible, stupid.

Asking "Can we do something" expresses creativity but requires a
"should we do something". We know the device CAN do that, figuring out
how to impliment it and keep the user in control of that data should
always be first and foremost. A client/server setup, that anyone with
a PC or server can setup makes a lot of sense.

And just remember, serial numbers physically etched on the device and
a report to your insurance agency can go a long way with mitigating
the loss if you ever loose your Neo.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 9:12 PM, Sean Anderson
> I think the original idea was a sensible one, but I doubt many would be
>  willing to risk losing all their data for the rare situation where it
>  would be a security advantage.
>  I think there is something to be said for nifty GPS features. I've lost
>  my phone... why not SMS it and ask it to email me its location? :)
>  Security-wise, however, it's a patchy strategy despite how cool it
>  sounds. It isn't going to stop the physical phone being stolen, but to
>  what extent can the Moko be encrypted to protect your data?
>  Sean.
>  On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 18:11 +0200, Sebastian Billaudelle wrote:
>  > Hi there!
>  >
>  > I thought about the risk of loosing the moko or of getting it
>  > stolen...
>  >
>  > I got the following idea:
>  > If you can't find you moko, you only have to send an SMS with a
>  > special keyword/passphrase to your moko.
>  > It recognises the special text and sends the current coordinates to a
>  > server. So you can see it's position.
>  >
>  > cheers
>  > Sebastian
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