I am a bit aghast at the weirdness shown here:

Going by the criteria most of you use, you must immediately delete all
versions of Linux and destroy your OM phones and any other harware you
own, as it almost certainly has used proproety software/hardware
somewhere in its manufacturing chain:

Linux has been used on a number of propriety devices, including very
tightly locked down versions (Nokia and other phones).

OM hardware has the closed firmware GPS and GSM chipsets

Many of your favourite utilities are present on Apple machines, so you
cant ever use ls, rm etc. ever again ...

Wake up!


> > 
> > The DRM locking you out of applying changes to phones. The excuse of "oh, 
> > its the
> > phone maker/operator that does it" is a mere smoke screen.
> Like you I don't feel confortable with Android, yet I don't think one could
> say Android on the FR is less free than any other free software.
> The problem is not that it's not free but rather that its copyright owner
> is willing to produce non-free phones with it. To be able to do that they
> had to refuse to use the community software and create/buy their own. Then,
> as a community, why should we support a software intentionaly designed to
> create closed phones ?
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William Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au>
Home in Perth!

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