The article pretty well sums up my experience with the GTA02, although I certainly have no regrets about buying one. All things considered, the idea of the machine was great, but it is really unfortunate that the performance, stability and general quality of the applications was somewhat below expectations. In particular, the glamo chip was a disaster for any advanced use of the screen resolution available, and the battery life issues made it not much use unless plugged into a power source.

I hope that the GTA04, when it gets fully shaken down, will address at least those 2 issues. For the applications I would like to implement, more memory, performance that at least resembles a 500 Mhz laptop, although most phones now are dual core 1 Ghz chips, and excellent WIFI/GSM functionality would be critical. In terms of additional features, an IRDA facility, and geo-environment sensors (temp, pressure) and compass would be nice.

Whatever the outcome of the GTA04 project, I support the effort and even if its another hobbyist toy, I will likely find it interesting.

While I don't use the GTA02 as a regular phone, its in regular use for software development and for GPS applications. For some reason, I have yet to get stable and reliable information out of the accelerometers, but even they are useful for some purposes.

Unfortunately, I feel the struggle for a Linux phone is pretty much submerged by the Android phenomenon, which is in my opinion, too bad. Phone hardware that ran linux out of the box would be wonderful.

Niels Heyvaert wrote:
Hi all,
To those of you who didn't see summary flying by on, there is recent article published about the Openmoko: I'm sure that after reading the article, you'll have the urge to react. At least I know I did ;-) Regards, Niels.

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