01/27/14 10:26 -ում, Michael Spacefalcon-ը գրել է:
> Even in the case of the FFS with the RF calibration values etc, there
> is absolutely no danger of corrupting this FFS if you issue loadtool
> commands exactly per the instructions.  Saving a backup copy of the
> FFS sectors is a precaution just in case you erase or write to the
> wrong part of the flash.  If you have this backup saved, you can
> always restore it.
> In the absolute worst case scenario imaginable, if someone does lose
> their RF calibration values and has no backup copy anywhere, you
> should be able to send your FR to some lab to get it recalibrated.  I

If someone has no backup of calibration data, can she use calibration
data from other phone?
Then we can send our data to that person. Or it won't work this way?
I probably don't understand it well.

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