Bob Ham <> wrote:

> > Because I use one to stay in touch with the people who matter in my
> > life
> What would be the consequences if you didn't have a mobile phone to do
> that?

I do have a mobile phone for communicating with my family and friends
etc, and have had one continuously since 2003.  However, all of these
phones I've been using run firmware for which I have no source (and
given their age and the ephemeral nature of proprietary sw, I consider
it highly likely that no one else in the entire world has it either,
i.e., it's lost, gone to the great bit bucket in the sky), and this
lack of firmware source code prevents me from being able to fix
functional bugs or modify the UI design to my own personal taste.

I consider this status quo to be a very poor state of affairs, and
because I just happen to have the right knowledge and skills (and
since the fall of 2013, the necessary starting materials) to improve
the situation, I choose to work on the latter.

> True.  However, there's a very big difference between deriving
> satisfaction from doing worthwhile work and being pathologically
> dependant on it.  I don't know any other free software developers who
> threaten to murder those who get in the way of their work.  It looks
> like for you, the work isn't done just for satisfaction, it looks like a
> need.

The need I had at that time has been satisfied, hence there is nothing
relevant to the present in need of discussion here.  Nothing to see
here, move along.


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