Bob Ham <> wrote:

> As I said, perhaps I can help you to achieve some peace.

Your "help" in that department is unwelcome and unwanted.  I kindly
ask that you please stop your unwelcome intrusion into my personal

> However, an
> absence of your writings on this list would benefit me and the wider
> community in that in would elevate the environment to a more peaceful
> one.

There are Freerunner and other phone users here who do appreciate
hearing about progress made toward freedom-enabling phone firmware and
hardware.  So you'll just have to deal with it.

> Your emails are a mix of technical content and symptoms of your personal
> psychological problems.

I am interested ONLY in the former.  Since your thread is completely
devoid of technical content, I am not interested in continuing it.

> The latter has a negative impact on the
> community.  If your emails were technical content alone, there would be
> no problem.

They *are* technical content alone when read without trolling intent.
It is *your* choice to dig out a few occasional words which you don't
like and use them as a justification to hijack a technical post and
turn it into a lengthy non-technical noise thread.

> Unfortunately, free firmware in your phone won't actually bring you
> peace like you think it will.

Whether it does or not is *absolutely* *none* *of* *your* *business*.


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