Am Dienstag, 11. November 2003 12:52 schrieb Robert Fox:
> I have an AVM Fritz PCI card and I'd like to see an easy to configure
> Fax solutions for modems and ISDN in Mandrake 10.
> SuSE has SuSEFax . . .
> I've been a bit confused with the efax vs. hylafax configurations and
> what is really necessary for a single use solution.
> This would be a nice addition to drakconf (faxdrake or drakfax?)

Allready thought about that. Two steps are done for this allready:

1) Packages of proprietary AVM drivers, which makes fax possible with 
your passive ISDN card. (HINT: 
;) ) A build switch for the package to compile it for different (4GB,UP 
etc) kernels would be nice. I didn't found the time to find out how to 
do this.

2.) a easy to use and easy to configure fax/answering machine solution) 
- lets use what SuSE uses in their newest distros 
( . I have made a package of capisuite and 
sfftobpm (which is needed by capisuite), have a look at the 9.2/apps 
dir. packaging capi4hylafax shouldn't be so hard either, but 
capi4hylafax+hylafax is a bit much for home and soho use i would say. 
Otherwise i have a lot more often made the capi4hylafax+hylafax 
solution running. capisuite i haven't even tried yet. The package is 
made by a slightly changed SuSE spec. 

What is needed:
Some documentation on how to make a drakwizard module or someone who can 
make one with information which values needs to be filled in there. 

So with a perl hacker we could be there in just a few days (hours?) :) 
(From what i have seen while looking trough some drakwizard modules) 

Pro for capisuite: 
- small
- easy to configure
- easy extensible (using python) 
- answering machine solution build in

Contra capisuite: 
- gui solution for viewing/hearing messages/faxes isn't there (maybe 
kdeam can be used, maybe mail delivering is enough)
- a regulary polling is used to send faxes (maybe dnotify can be used to 
make this nicer ?)

I guess the Pro of hylafax is well known as well as the contras. Just 
make your own picture. 

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