On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 15:06:30 +0100
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, now that i have some free time to tr^H^Hdiscuss, here are some thought 
> about how to make contributions easier and better. I propose to discuss
> here, and set up some page on the wiki when a consensus could be reached.
> 1) gpg signature of the contrib
> Currently, contrib package are not signed, or are individually signed by 
> contribuer, making urmi yells every time you install them. I'd like to have 
> them signed, and preferentially with a unique and official mdksoft key, 
> instead of individual contributers keys. The reason if first they are 
> official mdk packages first, it's easier to manage second (i don't want to 
> add a new key to rpm database each time a new contributer arrive)


> 2) unique urpmi database on klama
> Currently, each time a package has some dependance to build, we have to
> first check if this dependance is either a contrib or a main package. This
> is both ugly and unpractical. I want to be able to install foo-devel with a
> single command, and let the system find where to fetch this package from

I always use sudo ue -u foo-devel, and it installs the package from main or
from contrib. It wasn't always like this, but it works that way for a while.

> 3) access to incoming
> Only Lenny is able to retrieve SRPM uploaded on ftp.mandrakesoft.com, so we 
> generally ask people to also provide a link to retrieve it from elsewhere. 
> All contributers should be able to access incoming, whatever location it is.
> Why not make people upload directly on klama ?

Yes, please. Not everybody can also make their package available on their own

> 4) better mail adresses
> Each contributer should have some kind of official mandrake-linux mail
> adress, and be able to change real adress it correspond to easily. As a
> contributer is someone with a shell account on klama, why not use a SMTP
> there, delivering mail locally, making each one able to redirect mail to
> where he wants with a simple .forward ?

I don't care about control over the .forward, but it seems easier for Lenny
this way. I cannot imagine that he likes to get bothered weekly about a
changed mailadress. So making ths configurable by the user makes it a win-win

> 5) better mailing lists
> Do we really need two mailing-lists (maintainer and compil) ?
> Could thoses lists get subscribers only,so as to avoid spam ?
> Could subscription to those mailing list becomes automated (one shell
> account -> one mail adress -> one subscription)

Is there a compil mailinglist? I didn't know. Does it generate traffic?
> 6) anything else ?
I just posted this in another thread, but this thread seems better.

6) updates for stable releases
I really forgot about previous discussions about updates for contrib, and what
ideas were put up and burned down.
Isn't the most simple approach to use Mandrake-devel/unsupported/9.2 for this?
If there's a way to upload packages for this directory, and have a hdlist
generated there, then we can advertise it as a place to get unsupported
updates. Since klama gets a chroot for 9.2, an upload script can be put in
place to upload there, right?

In MandrakeSoft's interest the best place is MandrakeClub, but I don't think
it's a good solution for this. I tried getting an upload account there, but
after three weeks I still don't have it. And I don't think the reason is that
my packaging sucks, or I requested it in a rude way... 
So for now I just made my updates/backports available in an own repository.
But if every contributor starts doing this, then it will still be a mess, so
there needs to be a unified solution.

Marcel Pol

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