--- "Gregory K. Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 23 September 2002 10:11, David Walluck
> wrote:
> > It's definitely wrong. Just because Mandrake is
> built for i586 doesn't
> > mean we want to force every arch to i586 (or
> i686). In the case of
> > Athlon, it may actually be a downgrade.
> Personally, I force mine to
> > build for athon in my ~/.rpmrc, but it'd be nice
> to see a fix system-wide.
> I think for the system wide rpmrc, it is on purpose
> in Mandrake.  For 
> stability sake, wouldn't they want anybody
> rebuilding source rpm's to use the 
> same compiler optimizations used to build the main
> distro.  That is, unless, 
> those people new what they were doing and made a
> /etc/rpmrc for or ~/.rpmrc 
> with the desired overrides.

It was actually changed by mistake, but that's been
one of the excuses to defend it.  If someone's gonna
rebuild an SRPM, more than likely optimization one of
the top reasons.  Anyway, /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc is the
*system* rpmrc, and so should build for the *system.* 
The only ones that should be building i586 are
Mandrake's packagers, and anybody else distributing
binaries, and those people are supposed to be building
in their home directory with their own .rpmrc

One possible solution I've thought of is maybe
distribute our RPM package with a script that
automates setting up a user RPM build environment, and
when it creates the .rpmrc, has it change the
buildarchtranslate lines to i586 like they are now
(but shouldn't be for the system one).

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