--- Ben Reser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem you run into is some people building
> RPMs aren't going to
> know this and will end up distributing i686 or
> Athlon or whatever
> archs...  

>From the package names you get, it's obvious which
arch the build is for.  If you were to distribute
something with .i686.rpm, you would know it was i686,
and if that's ok, that's great.  If not, you rebuild
it for the arch you want to distribute for.  Most
people are going to be building for the local (or
other identical) machine however.

> But yeah for the few people that rebuild stuff

You're assuming it's few.

> locally for their arch
> it's probably inconvient.  But I tend to think of
> those people as power
> users and they can handle make a few directories and
> a couple files with
> their specific configs in there.

Then you're thinking wrong.  It's not hard for even
semi-newbies (basically those who get to the stage
that they can read a manpage) to figure out how to
rebuild packages.  It's definately not a gurus only thing.

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