On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 10:57:30 +0000, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:

>>>>>> "F" == Frederic Crozat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     F> Ok.. Would it be ok for you to test a "fixed" package to
>     F> confirm this issue is closed ? Then, I'll try to push an
>     F> official update for Mdk 9.0 xscreensaver.
> A fixed RPM?  No problem, I'd be honoured.  Besides, if it fails,
> I know now how to fix it ;)
> Let me know when the package is in the cooker and I'll give it a
> spin.

The package is in unsupported/9.0 and should appear on mirror soon..
(Cooker is still frozen)..

Please, report if it fixes your problem..

If other folks want to test it, please do.. I prefer to have maximum
testing on this package before giving it to Vincent Danen for official 9.0

Frederic Crozat

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