On Thu, 03 Oct 2002 14:53:06 +0200, Michal Bukovjan wrote:

> Frederic Crozat wrote:
>> On Thu, 03 Oct 2002 09:07:22 +0200, Michal Bukovjan wrote:
>>>So I finally found out what is causing the problems I describe.
>>>The guilty is:
>>>GKB Keyboard Switcher!
>>>- 100% reproducible, even for new user
>>>- just add it to a panel, define two keyboard layouts, define your 
>>>switching shortcut (I did both Shifts)
>>>- log out and save your session, log back in
>>>Voila, your click to focus inside window is gone!
>>>Can you reproduce this, Frederic?
>> I think you're going to kill me but even with GKB Keyboard switcher, I
>> have a correct behaviour in metacity...
> I won't give up. I dived into the problem yet again and found the real 
> cause:
> gkb is here really to blame. My problems occur under the following 
> conditions:
> 1. gkb is on panel
> 2. the first keyboard layout set in gkb is invoked via gkb_xmmap [code] 
> command.
> 3. the error occurs after all subsequent session login - metacity will 
> not focus.
> 4. The problem is eliminated by subsequent use of another layout via 
> setxkbmap [code] command.
> Here is 100% reproducible case for you French.
> 1. Have Keyboard swithcer applet on panel.
> 2. Choose exactly one layout, and that would be French/French keymap
> 3. Logout and login, you have blocked focus. BUG!
> ...
> 4. Add a new layout, French/French xkb keymap. Delete the old one.
> 5. Logout and login. All ok.
> ...
> 6. Just for fun, delete the French xkb layout and add back French/French 
> keymap (the one invoked via gkb_xmmap. Add another layout, say US, which 
> is invoked via setxkbmap. The US layout should be second in order.
> 7. Logout and login. BUG! But after switching layout to US, all is ok 
> again, even after switching back to the first French one.
> If you can't reproduce THIS, I am going to Paris to kill you :-) It is 
> just several hours away from Czech republic!

I think you can book your airplane ticket..

I'm not seing this bug when doing your testcase.. I'm wondering if it is
not caused by Czech locales or keyboard layout in XFree ?

> There is a couple of more funny bugs of gkb:
> - codepage is not saved, never, always ISO-8859-1 (but I think it is not 
> used anywhere anyway, so maybe harmless)

Nice one.. Could you fill a bugreport on bugzilla.gnome.org (gnome-applet
module) ?

> - if you change the switching command in a way so that it returns an 
> error, the error dialog is inactive and cannot be closed, something like 
> my freeciv bug

This is caused by the Keyboard edit dialog being modal and the error dialog is
not told his parent is the "Keyboard edit dialog.. Bugzilla.gnome.org
please :))

> - in my Czech environement, in add dialog and in preferences dialogs, 
> the accented (non-ISO-8859-1) chars are not displayed and messages 
> (especially keyboard layout descriptions) are not complete. Serious I18N 
> bug.

Bugzilla :))
> - for some layouts, Left+Right Shift keyboard switching accelerator will 
> not work.
Bugzilla again :)
Frederic Crozat

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