Dalibor Topic recommended that I post this feedback on core-libs-dev. This is my feedback after ameliorating the deprecation warnings which surfaced when I compiled and tested Apache Derby with early access builds 116 and 118 of JDK 9. Derby is a pure Java relational database whose original code goes back almost 20 years. Other large, old code bases (like Weblogic) may have similar experiences. More detail on my experience can be found on the JIRA issue which tracks the Derby community's attempt to keep our code evergreen against JDK 9: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-6856

o Deprecating autoboxing constructors - Deprecating the autoboxing constructors for primitive wrapper objects caused a large rototill of Derby code. That rototill was comparable in size to the changes made necessary by Java 5's introduction of generics. Hopefully, IDEs can automate much of this chore.

o Deprecating Class.newInstance() - The deprecation of Class.newInstance() forced a similarly large rototill. The code became more verbose. Additional exceptions had to be caught and propagated up the call stack. For reasons which I don't understand, I had better luck using Class.getConstructor().newInstance() than Class.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(). But the former replacement code requires you to make constructors public. For some code bases, that may introduce security problems which are worse than the security problem being addressed by this deprecation. I hope that IDEs and the release notes for JDK 9 will provide some guidance for how to handle these issues.

o Deprecating java.util.Observable and java.util.Observer - Two ameliorations are recommended at http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2016-April/040436.html. The first suggestion (use the awt event model) runs very much counter to the whole intent of Jigsaw. That is because pulling in awt can bloat up an application with large, otherwise unneeded libraries. Using awt was out of the question for Derby, given that the community had already invested a great deal of effort in paring back Derby's dependencies in order to let the code run on JDK 8 compact profile 2. That left us with the other option: write your own replacement classes. If a lot of people end up having to write the same replacement code, then that argues for leaving this small but useful functionality in the JDK. I think that the people who advocated for this deprecation did not have good visibility into how widely these classes are being used in the wild. I recommend that this deprecation be re-evaluated.


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