On 6/1/16 4:15 PM, Richard Hillegas wrote:

[deprecation warnings]
This was the issue which I faced. The Derby community has spent considerable
effort on maintaining a clean build, one which doesn't swamp real error
indications in a blizzard of diagnostic noise. At the same time, we are
reluctant to wholesale-disable all deprecation warnings because, in general,
they do provide useful advice about best practices. The ameliorations you are
considering do sound useful. I don't have any better suggestions at this time.

Thanks for your followup on this, especially regarding Derby's efforts to maintain a clean build. In the JDK we've been working on warnings cleanup for several years, so we're sensitive to the issues ourselves. However, we've had little visibility into whether other code bases did anything about warnings. Some of us speculated that nobody outside the JDK cared about compiler warnings.

We're happy to have been proven wrong about this. But it does mean that we need to put more effort into mechanisms to help manage these warnings.


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