On Tue, 7 May 2024 12:17:36 GMT, Rémi Forax <fo...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I do not think the step to "standardise" a preview feature exists ? When a 
> preview feature becomes a released feature, the code is very lightly edited, 
> at least it this is my experience.

We may call it differently, but I think both you and I are referring to this 
part of [JEP 12](https://openjdk.org/jeps/12) (emphasis mine):

> Eventually, the JEP owner must decide the preview feature's fate. If the 
> decision is to remove the preview feature, then the owner must file an issue 
> in JBS to remove the feature in the next JDK feature release; no new JEP is 
> needed. **On the other hand, if the decision is to finalize, then the owner 
> must file a new JEP, noting refinements informed by developer feedback. The 
> title of this JEP should be the feature's name, omitting the earlier suffix 
> of (Preview) / (Second Preview), and without adding any new suffix such as 
> (Standard) or (Final). This JEP will ultimately reach Targeted status for the 
> next JDK feature release.**

> You can change both readln and readLine and if `java.io.IO` is removed, at 
> least the code of readLine() will be

Sorry, Rémi, but no. As long as this feature is in preview, I'd optimise for 
easier removal (back out) of the feature rather than clean combined code.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19112#discussion_r1592740269

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