On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:13:04AM -0700, ron minnich wrote:
> That is fine. That's a simple and straightforward change. How about we
> start with that. But let's not do THAT change until we fix ward's
> problem, and this has nothing to do with Ward's problem.

Sorry for opening this can of worms ;) 

So, Stepan thinks that perhaps the stack is too small for the lzma
decompression. I'm going to test next week with a 32KB stack (right now its
at the default 8KB). This might solve booting, but I'll still have APs and
BSP talking all at once, which I'm also seeing on K10. 


Ward Vandewege <w...@fsf.org>
Free Software Foundation - Senior Systems Administrator

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