On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 02:08:08PM -0400, Ward Vandewege wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:13:04AM -0700, ron minnich wrote:
> > That is fine. That's a simple and straightforward change. How about we
> > start with that. But let's not do THAT change until we fix ward's
> > problem, and this has nothing to do with Ward's problem.
> Sorry for opening this can of worms ;) 
> So, Stepan thinks that perhaps the stack is too small for the lzma
> decompression. I'm going to test next week with a 32KB stack (right now its
> at the default 8KB). This might solve booting, but I'll still have APs and
> BSP talking all at once, which I'm also seeing on K10. 

I tried with a 32KB stack and a 64KB stack, no change, the machine still
resets itself:


So, something else is going on.


Ward Vandewege <w...@fsf.org>
Free Software Foundation - Senior Systems Administrator

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