I think quark revival should come with a reasonable deadline. IOW, if
people are serious about keeping this platform, I think we ought to
see commitments as to when they report that it works. I'd suggest July
1. We've had a lot of commitments before, but everyone is busy, and
hopes can outrun reality. It should not take more than a few hours to
verify that this board or does not work.

Keeping an old platform is not zero cost. It comes with costs for
running CI, keeping it up to date as other parts of coreboot evolve,
and dealing with build failures that can occur as it falls out of
date. Those costs are all externalized, for most of us, to Patrick and
Martin, but they do exist.

In round numbers, coreboot is at about 5k commits/year (last time I
looked; maybe it's higher or lower now).  Assuming each CL takes
around ten builds, that's 50,000 builds, times 350 boards, which
translates to "a lot." It keeps Martin's house warm, I suspect. That's
not counting the continuous builds that go on for Chromebooks at
Google, Intel, and many other places. These builds all include Quark.
To put it another way, Quark has a CO2 footprint. There ought to be
usage to justify this cost.

I'm told that 1% or so of our mainboards are dependent on quark. As
far as I know, there are 0 quark boards out there using coreboot. We
seem to be putting an awful lot of effort into a board with no users
-- a board and chip that, furthermore, has been dead for several
years, and was never that great to begin with.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 11:29 AM Zimmer, Vincent
<vincent.zim...@intel.com> wrote:
> Sure. Send me a mailing address.  Unites should have Europe-friendly 
> wall-wart/power supplies and cables, etc. in the box.
> Vincent
> From: Andy Pont <andy.p...@sdcsystems.com>
> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 11:13 AM
> To: Zimmer, Vincent <vincent.zim...@intel.com>; Karl Semich 
> <0xl...@gmail.com>; lpleah...@gmail.com
> Cc: Coreboot <coreboot@coreboot.org>
> Subject: Re: [coreboot] Re: Deprecation of the Intel Quark SoC
> Vincent wrote...
> > I can provide some Galileo h/w for folks if there is interest in supporting.
> Looking at the configs it looks like both a Gen 1 and Gen 2 Galileo boards 
> are the place to start?
> If you have both and can get them shipped to the UK that would be great. I 
> suspect I have power supplies and debug cables for them.
> -Andy
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