-Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41485">Civilization, CIA,
Subject: Civilization, CIA, Barbarism
Date: Sat, Jan 30, 1999 9:14 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


How could one help but notice the rich irony in the comment from
Augusto Pinochet, former dictator of Chile, that he enjoyed
vacationing in London because England was so "civilized"?
It is too-rich food for the following thoughts, and it will give you
a stomachache.

Augusto Pinochet's regime was as depraved and brutal as can be
imagined, yet he loves things "civilized".  How delightful.

Picture yourself being forced to watch your loved ones raped
before your eyes.  Imagine mutilation, castration, electroshock to genitals,
bayonets up vaginas, dogs used to commit sexual assault.  These were not
merely tactics used against criminals.  They were used as a  full-scale war
against anyone of even remotely leftist or progressive tendencies, anyone
critical of the government.

Perhaps Britain is indeed civilized, having arrested Augusto Pinochet.

There is as much paradox and irony in this, too, as there is in Pinochet's
comments.   Providing the contrast is the ever so-civilized Maggie Thatcher,
enjoying lunch with Pinochet, criticizing the arrest.

I have a fondness for London, myself, and always will.  It is where my lover
and I went to celebrate our 25th anniversary, our first trip abroad, the first
place in the world that we wanted to see.

I notice that there is a peculiar popularity, these days in America, for
newscasters with heavy British accents.   I think that perhaps it is because
so many Americans have a stereotype engrained in their minds of
"very proper" British.  Somehow, they trust them more than their
own newscasters.

While I maintain affection for Britain, I am aware of the painful
paradox and contradiction.  Its history is often shameful
and depraved.  The same is certainly true of America, maybe even
more so.  Probably, the truth is that paradox and contradiction are
universal in human beings.  We are both quite civilized and
quite barbaric at the same time.

Wake up, Maggie, I think I have something to say to you.  You
and many others will think that I am quite barbaric and uncivilized
when I am done saying it, but I am merely the same contraction
that you, and Britain, and America, and the rest of the world are.
I would hate to be rude to a host, but I have a higher duty, as one
of the rabble, to rouse people all over the world to rebel against
their governments, when it seems best for  the balance of
barbarism and civilization.

The ugly side of Britain has been evident enough in history. The
brutal suppression and exploitation in India.  The callous attitudes
toward Ireland, just recently mending.  The Nazis sympathies
within sections of British aristocracy, before WWII.

 Most Americans would never give a second thought about Britain's
despicable role in China's Opium War, and how Britain raped that
country for the sake of drug profits.  Then again, most Americans
never noticed the CIA's raping of half the entire globe, for drug

Probably, the CIA, Richard Nixon, and Henry Kissinger are far more
to blame than Britain and Maggie Thatcher, for the spectacle of horror
that was Augusto Pinochet.   Our government would prefer to hide the
fact of the extremely close collaboration between Nixon's administration
 and Pinochet, despite its knowledge of the human rights abuses.

Our country might have been more aware of the abuses of Kissinger
and Nixon, true madmen that they were, but I recall another civilized
lady who enjoyed luncheon dates with unsavory, powerful men.  Supporters
of Katherine Graham, formerly of the Washington Post, were quite
upset when I criticized her for censoring news critical of her dear friend
Kissinger.  Didn't I know, she was extremely liberal?   I had her all

I don't doubt for a minute that she was extremely liberal, in spite of
her having lunch with a rabidly right-wing friend.  It is the contradiction
and paradox of the decent and indecent, the civilized and the barbaric.
It is the very subject of this entire, verbose essay.

Kissinger did not believe in democracy, when it came to Chile's
election of the liberal Allende government.  He said quite cynically
that the people of Chile had no right to make such a mess of things,
to elect a socialist government, through their own foolish votes.

The U.S. government would never admit it, but I believe that
they welcomed and intended torture as a tool of repression.

Today, the civilized world wrings its hands over such soul-tormenting
questions- do we have the right to arrest Pinochet?  Should he
be exempt, as a head-of-state?  Are we following international law
and agreement, according to all the proper rules?

The hypocrisy of it all is sheer madness, of course.  So exquisitely
sensitive are we, fiercely debating the fine points of sheer unreality.

The reality of the terror and torture was a minor footnote, somehow
escaping our eagle eyes and refined sensitivities, when it was
actively going on, and when it mattered most.

Lean close- I'll whisper a little truth in your ear, what it all means in a
world full of depraved murderers and torturers like Augusto Pinochet.
It's not something that a politician would ever dare say, but then
again, politicians lie a lot, and they tell people what they want to hear.

There is no Right.  There is no Wrong.  There is no God, and there
are no Rules.  Nothing really Matters, least of all the opinions
of your fellow human beings.

You live in a freakish, accidental world of random pain and
capriciously dispensed hell, into which innocents are thrown,
wholesale.  You have exactly what rights that you decide you have,
and can manage to win in battle against bastards who
would deny you any rights at all.

Vigilante groups would have perfect right to shoot Pinochet,
or torture him at length, much less to watch him detained in
a country club prison.

Probably, the world would have been a better place if Richard
Nixon, Jesse Helms, Henry Kissinger had all been shot, right
smack through the head, for being the kinds of  men fully behind

It is obscene to live in a safe and civilized world, pulling the strings
that create obscene, uncivilized worlds like Chile.  In America,
and in Britain, we think that we are less guilty than the generals
in Chile.  Truth is, we are probably more guilty.  It is we who
had the power to make and break these people.  We used them
like pawns in a chess games, like puppets on a string.

We keep them at arm's length, have proxies to do our bidding,
stooges to do the dirty work, fall guys to take the blame,
then we manage to convince ourselves that the blood is not
on our hands.

Iron Lady, you are not a defenseless woman.  You were one
of the most powerful individuals in the World.  The defenseless
women were in Chile, tasting steel bayonets up their private
parts, while the Iron Lady had lunch in good taste with tyrant.

I toss my own lunch, watching you have your lunch.

It obviously means nothing to you.  How can you appreciate
the consequences of your attitudes and actions, when you
live in such a clean, untroubled, plush, civilized world?

How can you appreciate, when you are so little confronted
in the censored and sanitized media, that is largely controlled
by people as rich, powerful, and indifferent as you are?

I don't know if Western leaders could appreciate what is wrong,
if they never tasted the same, in a close and personal way.

The constipated attempts at justice are too tame, too timid, too late
for people like Pinochet.  To deter them from doing what they
do, it might be most effective to torture the torturers, make
them experience it from the other side, eye for eye repayment
in kind.  If this would apply to Pinochet, it would probably
apply to people like Nixon, Kissinger, and Helms as well.

Is it really a terrible thing, or merely a sensible thing compelled by
a terrible logic?

It's not that I am so uncivilized as to wish to see this.

I wish to see the British people cast votes in a civilized way,
so that no one ever needs to cast iron in an uncivilized way.
I wish to see supporters of brutal tyrants not to be elected,
so that they do not need instead to be electrocuted
and executed.

It is the civilized way.  But it has to happen before patience
runs out, at whatever unpredictable time that may be.  Otherwise,
it is time for things to be brutal in Britain, because they have
already been brutal for far too long in places like Chile.

I am civilized and do believe in giving peace a chance.  However,
sometimes peace is the thing whose chance came and went when
you were paying no attention whatsoever, because you didn't
care less, and did not think that it mattered.  You did not care
less because there was no war going on, to command your

I confess my deep ignorance- I did not know before last year
that the House of Lords enjoyed hereditary position.  It is
an opportunity to display how you can have insight even
in ignorance.   I know almost nothing about the voting
record of the House of Lords, but allow me to attempt to
describe them in sheer blind-sight.

They are the ideological counterparts of the American GOP.
They ride high moral horses.   Very concerned are they
about "decay".

They pretend concern for the common man, but this is mostly
for expediency.  What they find most in common is shown in
subtle attempts to exploit common bigotries and base instincts.
While feigning concern for the common man, their policies
almost invariably favor the rich, even though they try to
propagandize the public that the opposite is true.

They pretend outward displays of respect, but they in truth
drip with venom and contempt for broad segments of the
population.  They tend to be openly homophobic and discreetly

They deny hotly that these things are true, but they are quite true.

Why are they this way?

When you are wealthy, when you have hereditary privilege, you
need to justify it in your mind.  You naturally tend to convince
yourself that you are privileged because you are superior, intellectually
and morally.   You justify by imagining that your fellow
human beings are "unworthy", and "to blame" for their own fates.

The rabble vaguely threaten you, just by being "have-nots", because they
might try to take some of what you have.   As a result, compassion
is not likely to be your strong suit.

The vestige of monarchy is a peculiar thing to behold.  It seems like
a harmless amusement today, not a serious injustice.  It is almost
like living dolls for a little girl to play with, and dress up as Princess.
Probably, it is past time to put away child's things.

In the case of the House of Lords, I imagine how I would feel if
the Republican party held hereditary positions.  Like Henry Kissinger,
I am cynical even about democracy, when it delivers to you
madmen, criminals, tyrants and sleaze.  If it were hereditary, on top
of all that, I would feel extremely justified to try to overthrow it.

I know how many holes it would take to fill the House of Lords- as
many as it would take for a paramilitary to shoot it full of holes,
like Swiss Cheese.

Again, fortunately, I am not so uncivilized as to wish to see anyone
ripen like Swiss cheese as they get old and obsolescent.  I am very
proper and civilized.

When you live in a country, it often would not even occur to you
to shoot part of your government full of holes.  Your press, your education,
limit what you are capable of thinking.  This is why you need
foreign viewpoints from far way, to help plant the seeds of radical

I am only encouraging you to the very same fight that I encourage
here in America, in Russia, in China, in Chile, in Zimbabwe.

Because I am civilized, just like you, I have not shot anyone, yet.
I urge you kindly to step aside, voluntarily, peacefully, while you
still can do so, peacefully.

We won't shoot you, tomorrow, if you don't move, because good
citizens like ourselves are patient and civilized.  After some unknown
number of tomorrows, we will shoot you full of holes, if you still fail
to move out of the way of necessary change, because we are also
barbarians, just like you.  What you did to others will be done to you.

Tom Keske
Boston, Mass.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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