-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/corruptionexposed/">Corruption
Exposed!(tm) The International News  </A>
Lots of links.
Corruption Exposed!
The International News Magazine on the Internet

Read the news that the public servants do not want you to know about!
Corruption Exposed!
and the latest
opinion POLLS!
on the World Wide Web
Defrauding America
by Rodney Stich
For a better understanding of government corruption, to understand what
actually happened in past government scandals and their cover-ups, and
to better comprehend government corruption that has yet to surface, read
the second edition of Defrauding America. This unusual 650-page trade
paperback is highly documented and detailed. It was written by a former
government investigator, with the assistance of numerous deep-cover CIA
and other government personnel.
Elections over the past two years brought about the possibility of
policy shifts, but did little or nothing about the hard-core corruption
in government that is inflicting great harm upon the American people and
the world. This book is capable of informing an otherwise
poorly-informed American public, and hopefully motivating them to
exercise their responsibilities under a democratic government.
Defrauding America educates and motivates by describing, in
unprecedented detail and unmatched clarity, the interrelationships of
various criminal activities and people in control of the CIA and other
intelligence services, the Department of Justice, the federal courts,
and members of Congress.
Among the racketeering schemes described are:
CIA and other government personnel involved in drug trafficking into the
United States;
October Surprise and its cover-up;
Inslaw, the coordinated theft of proprietary software and subsequent
ruining of the company by persons in the Department of Justice;
Iran-Contra (No, you don't know the whole story-even if you read the
Walsh Report.)
The Savings and Loan swindle;
Arkansas scandals involving President Clinton;
BNL, BCCI, HUD, and much, much more! Never before has the venality of
Justice Department attorneys and federal judges been exposed in this
manner. Never before have the methods by which the American people are
being looted of their money, their freedoms, and their future been so
completely exposed.
It is impossible for any voter to make logical decisions on election day
without the knowledge provided by Defrauding America. It is every
American's patriotic duty to read this book, talk about it to friends
and acquaintances, and act on it!
To order call:
1 (800) 247-7389



"The government is us; we are the government, you and I."

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), U.S. Republican (later Progressive)
politician, president. Speech, 9 Sept. 1902, Asheville, N.C.



corrupt (ke-rùpt´) adjective

1. Marked by immorality and perversion; depraved.
2. Venal; dishonest: a corrupt mayor.
3. Containing errors or alterations, as a text: a corrupt translation.
4. Archaic. Tainted; putrid.

verb corrupted, corrupting, corrupts verb, transitive
1. To destroy or subvert the honesty or integrity of.
2. To ruin morally; pervert.
3. To taint; contaminate.
4. To cause to become rotten; spoil.
5. To change the original form of (a text, for example).

verb, intransitive
To become corrupt.
[Middle English, from Latin corruptus, past participle of corrumpere, to
destroy : com-, intensive pref.. See COM- + rumpere, to break.]
- corrupt´er or corrup´tor noun



CORRUPTION EXPOSED! magazine's nomination for the most corrupt city in
the United States goes to:
City of San Antonio (Texas)
•The eighth largest city in the USA.
•Only city in the country where a federal judge has been killed.
•Police union boss in federal prison.
•People are stilled killed off here in order to politically silence
•Bail bondsman imprisoned for attempting to kill off another.
•Public facilities and public monies taken for private gains.
•Non-profit organizations by the hundreds.. most are "bought off."
•Most all city bank accounts are with Frost National Bank; which was
named in OPERATION CASABLANCA for drug money-laundering (See Money
Laundering Below)
•Other banks have recently located to San Antonio; banks which were also
named in OPERATION CASABLANCA for drug money-laundering (See Money
Laundering Below)
•City of nearly a million is controlled by a handful of people in the
corrupt political machine.
•The "Kowtow Capital of the World."
•Former Texas Attorney General put into place by the S.A./Bexar County
corrupt political machine; resigned after he was exposed.
•Current Texas A.G. put into place by the S.A./Bexar County political
machine to replace the former A.G.
•Corruption's have just about been around since "The Alamo" when a few
hundred people gathered to fight off corruption way back then.
•Has the most corrupt mayoral administration of this century.
•Is a big city controlled like a small town by a corrupt political
Today's Tammany Hall!
•Elected officials are pre-selected and put into office by the corrupt
political machinery.
•CORRUPTION -- The political machine has the judges in the Bexar County
Courthouse "under it's thumb!"
•CORRUPTION -- Has a federal judge (Orlando Garcia) "under it's thumb!"
•CORRUPTION -- Has other federal judges (Western District of Texas
Federal Judges, Hudspeth, Sam Sparks, and a Magistrate) now trying to
cover up for (Orlando Garcia)
•CORRUPTION -- Appears to have the United States Attorney for the
Western District of Texas (San Antonio) "under it's thumb!"
THE MOST CORRUPT IN THE NATION -- Read all about it in the San Antonio




Corruption in government - discussion group - clari.news.corruption

Help reform and end corruption in the USA.. - discussion group -

Reform Party dedicated to ending the "Bipartisan Gridlock on Democracy"
and it's associated corruption - official web site - www.reformparty.org

BOONDOGGLES (by the Public Servants) EXPOSED:
•More info to follow!
•US Government Accounting Office

Money-Laundering Alert

Government: U.S. Government: Politics: Political Opinion
•Art of Deception: Corruption & Covert Activities - opinions on US
government corruption including: CIA drug trafficking, Gulf War, Central
America, corporate welfare, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bilderberg, and more.

Society and Culture: Crime: Crimes
•Kennebunk Police Corruption - former police officer Guy Emerson's story
of corruption within the department.

Society and Culture: Crime: Crimes: Police Brutality
•Rob and Debbie's Police Corruption Page - detailing incidences of
police corruption.

Government: U.S. Government: Politics: Political Issues: Clinton
Administration: Independent Counsel Investigations: Whitewater
•Branson/Whitewater Political Corruption

Regional: U.S. States: Alabama: Counties and Regions: Russell County:
•Rob and Debbie's Police Corruption Page - detailing incidences of
police corruption.

Regional: U.S. States: Maine: Cities: Kennebunk: Community
•Kennebunk Police Corruption - former police officer Guy Emerson's story
of corruption within the department.

Government: Politics: Political Opinion: Conspiracy: United States
•Alliance to Expose Government Corruption and Corporate Irresponsibility

•Between the Fences - insider's view of the tyranny and corruption
 rampant throughout one of the U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service
Detention Camps in Bayview, Texas.

Government: Law: Organizations: Civil Liberties

Government: U.S. Government: Politics: Political Issues: Government
Fraud and Waste: Organizations

•National Whistleblower Center - advocates the right of employees to
blow the whistle on fraud, corruption, government waste, and violations
of environmental laws.

Society and Culture: People: Personal Home Pages
•Karol, Robert - RICO informant's true story about corruption within the
Detroit Police Department, federal law enforcement, and the Executive

Government: Ethics
UNITED STATES SENATE Select Committee on Ethics
Los Angeles City Ethics Commission - campaign finance disclosure,
lobbying program, and governmental ethics.
Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices -
includes printable candidate, political committee, lobbyist, and PAC
registration forms and reports.
Massachusetts State Ethics Commission - enforces conflict of interest
and financial disclosure law. Includes history, agency profile,
educational materials, downloadable disclosure forms, and commission
Missouri Ethics Commission - charged with enforcement of conflict of
interest and lobbying laws and campaign finance disclosure laws.
Office of Government Ethics - provides access to all materials, laws and
regulations on Federal Conflict of Interests Statutes and Standards of
Conduct for Executive Branch employees.
State Ethics Commission of Georgia
Texas Ethics Commission - promoting individual participation and
confidence in electoral and governmental processes by enforcing and
administering applicable laws and by providing information about the
conduct of public officials.



Anti-Corruption Agency, Office of the Prime Minister, Government,
•Ethics and Corruption in the Public Sector - explore measures against
bribery, corruption and misconduct in OECD member governments.

Government: International Organizations: Transparency International
•Internet Corruption Ranking - ranks countries by the extent of
corruption in public administration; joint initiative of Transparency
International and Goettingen University.

Government: Politics: Browse By Region: Countries: Dominican Republic:
Complete Listing
•Corruption in the Dominican Republic - seeks to exponse the pervasive
corruption in the Dominican Republic.

Society and Culture: Crime: Organized Crime
•Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption -
features a comprehensive bibliographic searchable database.

Society and Culture: Crime: Victims' Rights: Organizations
•Parents Against Corruption and Coverup - an organization of persons who
have been the victim of shoddy and/or dishonest police investigations of

Government: Law: Organizations: Civil Liberties
•Committee Against Corruption in Saudi Arabia - aims to change how the
country's government and businesses are run; and, to change the way US
corporations, policy makers, and strategic planners relate to the the
government and its business.

Government: Politics: Browse By Region: Countries: Saudi Arabia:
Complete Listing
•Committee Against Corruption in Saudi Arabia - aims to change how the
country's government and businesses are run; and, to change the way US
corporations, policy makers, and strategic planners relate to the the
government and its business.

Government: Politics: Browse By Region: Countries: United Kingdom:
Complete Listing
•Party System and Corruption of Parliament - historical explanation of
how legal English constitution and parliament came to be corrupted by
party government.

Regional: Countries: China: Provinces, Regions, and Municipalities: Hong
Kong: Community: Government: Law Enforcement
•Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) - set up to monitor
corruption in the government.

Regional: Countries: Dominican Republic: Government: Politics
•Corruption in the Dominican Republic - seeks to exponse the pervasive
corruption in the Dominican Republic.

Regional: Countries: Saudi Arabia: Government: Al-Saud House
•Corruption of Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz - commentary against the
Sultan becoming the king.
•Corruption of Prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd - The richest teenager in the
world according to Forbes Magazine. How did he do it ? Read it to
believe it !!

Regional: Countries: Saudi Arabia: Government: Politics
•Committee Against Corruption in Saudi Arabia - aims to change how the
country's government and businesses are run; and, to change the way US
corporations, policy makers, and strategic planners relate to the the
government and its business.

Regional: Countries: United Kingdom: Government: Politics: Political
•Party System and Corruption of Parliament - historical explanation of
how legal English constitution and parliament came to be corrupted by
party government.

Regional: Countries: Australia: States and Territories: New South Wales:
Government: Agencies
•Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)

Regional: Countries: Canada: Provinces and Territories: Ontario:
Counties and Regions: Metropolitan Toronto: Former Municipalities: North
York: Education: College and University: York University: Departments
and Programs
•Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption -
features a comprehensive bibliographic searchable database.

Regional: Countries: India: States and Union Territories: West Bengal:
Community and Culture
•Corruption in West Bengal Police - there is no justice for common
people. Murderers are set free without even a trial. IPS officers (SP,
DIG) are expert in false promises.

Regional: Countries: India: Society and Culture: Crime
•Corruption in West Bengal Police - there is no justice for common
people. Murderers are set free without even a trial. IPS officers (SP,
DIG) are expert in false promises.

Regional: Countries: Malaysia: Government: Office of the Prime Minister:
Anti-Corruption Agency
•Anti-Corruption Agency

Regional: Countries: Saudi Arabia: Business and Economy: Organizations
•Committee Against Corruption in Saudi Arabia - aims to change how the
country's government and businesses are run; and, to change the way US
corporations, policy makers, and strategic planners relate to the the
government and its business.

Society and Culture: Issues and Causes: Human Rights: Organizations
•Government Reform Committee (GRC) - human rights, anti-corruption,
research and public policy forum.

Business and Economy: Companies: Books: Shopping and Services: Titles:
Society and Culture: Human Rights Government: Ethics

Office of the Ethics Counsellor - Canada - responsible for the conflict
of interest and post-employment code for POHs, the Lobbyist Registration
Act, and the Lobbyist Code of Conduct.

Corruption Exposed! (tm)
Michael Idrogo, Publisher.
(c) Copyright Michael Idrogo 1998. All Rights Reserved.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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