'Supergerm' Kills Hong Kong Woman

.c The Associated Press

HONG KONG (AP) -- A supergerm that has proven resistant to one of the most
potent antibiotics available has killed a Hong Kong woman, officials said
today, raising fears that more such germs could develop as doctors continue to
misuse or overuse antibiotics.

The middle-aged woman died last year at Queen Mary Hospital after becoming
infected with a strain of staphylococcus aureus bacteria, or staph, despite
two weeks of intensive antibiotics treatment, a spokeswoman from the official
Hospital Authority said.

Speaking on customary condition of anonymity, the spokeswoman confirmed a
report published today in the South China Morning Post. The hospital declined
to reveal the patient's identity.

The woman, who also suffered from cancer, was one of a few known cases in the
world in which staph proved resistant to vancomycin, an antibiotic known as
``the silver bullet,'' which doctors use as the last resort to treat
infections when all other antibiotics fail.

``We are getting into the terminal stage. It is very dangerous; the bacteria
have broken the last defense,'' Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiologist at the
hospital and the University of Hong Kong, was quoted as telling the newspaper.

For several years, doctors have been warning of the emergence of drug-
resistant bacteria. Bacteria become more deadly as they mutate to survive
increasing potent drugs.

Yuen told the Post that a decade earlier, Hong Kong doctors discovered a case
of streptococcus pneumonia that was resistant to penicillin, but now 70
percent of the cases here are resistant.

Many doctors fear the time is coming when some patients will have no
alternative antibiotics to turn to -- for the first time since antibiotics hit
the market in the 1950s.

Part of the problem is an overwillingness on the part of doctors and patients
to use antibiotics for routine illnesses that could be cured by people's
natural immune systems, which makes the medicines less effective.

Patients ``should not seek antibiotics for a quick cure,'' Yuen said.

Staph, a virulent bacterium that lives on human skin, is a common cause of
infections. Many people have the germ, and it's usually harmless.

But the germ can occasionally enter the body through wounds and cause serious
infections of the skin, soft tissues, bones and joints. It spreads through
direct contact and can cause pneumonia and fatal bacteremia, or bacterial
infection of the blood, which reportedly killed the woman in Hong Kong.

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