-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.ummah.net/dajjal/">The Conspiracy</A>
Many embeds, very active site.
Family a.Breaking up of family ties, increase in divorces Ref 1 2 3
b.Higher taxes Ref 1
c.Undermining of authority Ref 1 2 3
d.Children's programs on TV is like having Satan as a baby-sitter Ref 1
f.Kindergarten, to take away safe and sound upbringing
h.Symptoms from Common poisons in food, water, toys, teeth, medicine and
in the environment Ref 1

 For some of the items below in the list go to the fact sheets and find
out about the symptoms, where it can be found and suggestions of what to
do. a.Make people weaker and more sick so they are unable to give enough
resistance physically and mentally. Ref 1 2
b.Reduce population. Less people to control. Ref 1
c.Who is who in the Poison "Industry"
d.Earn money on medical and dental care.
e.Make it extra difficult for common people to use legal procedures or
demonstrations against low value food
f.Additives. Those "allergic" reactions are they really exceptions from
normal reactions to a poison?
g.Aluminum. Around up to 10 symptoms
h.Aspartame. Over 110 symptoms
i.Fluoride. Over 90 symptoms
j.Lead. Over 20 symptoms
k.Healthy Life. A Survival Diet Ref 1 2
l.Milk. i.Pasteurization destroying enzymes.
ii.Bovine growth hormone given to the cows can cause cancer for people
and lots of diseases for the cows and just a marginal extra production
of milk. Unnecessary when there is already an overproduction of milk.
iii.MSG put in low fat yoghourt, ice cream and almost everywhere else.
m.Contamination of the food supply, toxic chemicals, Lindane a common
pesticide, Chloroform Ref 1
n.Soda Pop, with additives and with or without Fluoride and with or
without Aspartame
o.Juice made on concentrates diluted with water with Fluoride and
p.Cadmium. Over 40 symptoms.
q.Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Over 40 symptoms
r.MTBE. Is a kind of petrol that is more common than expected.
s.Junk Food, sometimes reduces the efficiency of the immune system.
t.Olestra. Check what it does to the uptake of vitamins, minerals, oils
and enzymes from all of your food in spite of adding extra vitamins into
the junk food to make people think it is safe and good.
u.Processed food Ref 1
v.Extra Vitamins in bread etc. to give a false sense of security when
eating food with refined flour. The majority of mice fed only on such
vitaminized bread made on refined flour died after a few months.
w.Refined sugar, refined rice, refined flour takes away extremely
essential vitamins, enzymes, oils and minerals. Cannot easily be
x.Soy Bean Products
aa.Obesity common
ab.Food "slander" a crime.
ac.Genetic Engineering. Sometimes to reduce vitamin B17 etc. i.Already
plentiful in the American diet
ii.Soya beans ad.Microwave Oven reducing essential value of food causing
abnormal change in human blood and immune system.
af.Mad Cow Disease. Check also a cure against CJD, a related disease i.
USA feeds processed slaughterhouse waste to cows, chickens and pigs as
low cost, high protein feed supplementation. This is the very practice
that got British cattle industry in such bad trouble 15 years ago,
feeding cows to cows. CJD could be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease.
ag.Nutritional quality of Baby Food
ah.Symptoms from Common poisons in food, water, toys, teeth, medicine
and in the environment

Freemasons 1.Adam Weisshaupt founding of the Illuminati Order 1776, 1
May. Different degrees in the Order. Using FreeMasonry as a cover for
communist ideals. Ref 1 2 3
2.A German society was formed in the beginning of the 1800:s trying to
preserve the Illuminati traditions. It took the name "Association of the
Honests" and later on changed name to "The Association of the Communists
3.Adam Weisshaupt Ref 1 2 3
4.Perfection of man Ref 1
5.Universal Brotherhood Ref 1
6.Different orders Ref 1
7.Beautiful facade with only good samaritan welfare on the surface Ref 1

8.Good honest persons seldom get high in the 33 level hierarchy. "The
squemish and gullible never rose higher than the lowest degrees, while
the bold, ruthless and cynical, those ready and willing to dispense with
religion, morality, patriotism and any other hindrances, rose to the
top." Ref 1 2
9.Submission without questions Ref 1
10.Secrecy Ref 1
11.Secret Greetings
12.Albert Pike writes in 1871 about the three world wars and their
outcome Ref 1
13.Red Cross and Rosicrucians
14.Fabian Society for extinction of private property Ref 1 2 3
15.Involvement in revolutions. Comte Cagliostro was arrested by the
inquisition in 1789 and revealed that the freemasons planned to start a
whole series of revolutions in Europe and to abolish Papacy or take it
under control. He also mentioned that Jewish bankers financed all these
revolutionist activities. Ref 1
17.Skull and Bones Ref 1 2 3
18.Charles Darwin
19.Change of names on organizations when majority of people or people
with power become aware of ulterior motives. (Compare when Communism
changes name to United Nations etc. Look to what is really behind a name
and you will see, but only if you want to see). Ref 1 2
20.Freemason colors, red, blue and white on many countries flags

History Ref 1 2 3 1.Illuminati Ref 1 2 3 4 5 a.Who are they? Ref 1 2.
Protocols Ref 1 a.Are they true? Ref 1 i.Does it matter? What they
describe has happened and is happening right in front of our eyes. Ref 1
 3.Chronology Ref 1 2
4.Wars Ref 1 a.Financing both sides Ref 1
b.Directing both sides Ref 1 2
c.Planning the outcome (The Freemason Albert Pike wrote about this
already 1871): Ref 1 2 i.First world war necessary to overthrow the
Russian Czar. Ref 1 2
ii.Communism through Russia to increase in Europe by winning Second
World war. The Allied troops waited a whole year almost for the Russians
to finally reach Berlin. Ref 1
iii.Second World war to increase the Zionism to prepare for a Jewish
state. Ref 1
iv.Third World war, complete World weariness, pervasion of the
intellectual, spiritual and economical life. Human Destruction in
various parts of the world. Conflict inflicted between political Zionism
and the leaders of the Islamic World will result in that one destroys
the other. The rest of the world states will find themselves
drawn, polarized, to one of the two pillars in the conflict and will
participate in it. (This was written 1871 and means that the Zionists
are warmongers between Muslims and Zionists and their Allied. It also
means that a Muslim must think twice before action otherwise we might do
just what the enemy wants us to do). Ref 1 d.Knowing the outcome before
others when the outcome was not planned Ref 1 i.Rotschild's use of
letter pigeons to know about outcome of Waterloo. Pretending to be sad
to sell English bonds at lowest price while his helpers bought
everything they could get hold of to rock bottom prices. Ref 1 2 e.
Afghanistan war. US taxpayers contributed unknowingly to build roads to
Kabul and bridges that can support heavy Russian tanks already in 1966,
although invasion did not follow until December 1979 Ref 1
f.Civil wars more profitable than ordinary wars Ref 1 2 5.Revolutions
Ref 1 a.French Revolution Ref 1 2 i.Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.
Compare with the FreeMason symbols Ref 1 2 3 4
ii.The French Flag has the freemason colors, red, blue and white and so
does how many countries today? There is probably always some people in
the top that are freemasons in higher degrees that know. Freemasons at
lower levels probably have no idea. b.Russian Revolution Ref 1 i.
Financed by bankers from USA Ref 1 2 3 4 5
ii.The Russian Tsar (Czar) and his family might have survived Ref 1 2 3
iii.The son of the Russian tzar dived up in USA many years later.
Medical proof, (bleeding disease etc.), destroyed of course. Ref 1 2 c.
American Revolution Ref 1
d.Iranian Revolution Ref 1 i.Iranian Sheea revolutionaries were shouting
Communist slogans according to the Shah of Iran in his memoirs. Ref 1
ii.The cunning maneuvering of the Western States to take over the
oil-rich state with the help of the Sheea Ref 1 2
iii.Prisoners were killed without trial on mere suspicion according to
the Shah of Iran in his memoirs. Ref 1
iv.How many fingers did Khomeiny have on old photos before he came back
to Iran? (Answer 8 before the revolution and 10 after the revolution
according to one source). e.Defamation of opponents Ref 1 2 i.Marie
Antoinette in the French Revolution defamed by using prostitutes as
actors. Lies about a Necklace of Gold etc. that Marie Antoinette
probably never had known about in her whole life before she was
decapitated. Ref 1
ii.Watergate Ref 1
iii.Any enemy of importance is brought into the mud. Ref 1 6.Communism
 and Socialism a.Karl Marx, aka Charles Mordechai was paid by the
International Bankers for writing das Kapital.
b.Mass murders of opposition, 20-40 or even close to 60 million in
c.US technique transfer to Russia for war Ref 1 2 3 4 5
d.US technique transfer to Russia for the Atomic Bomb Ref 1 2 3 4
e.US technique transfer to Russia for space race. When money and
technique is not enough some of the space race might be faked. Ref 1 2 3
f.99% of the Russian top government were supposed to be Jews after the
Revolution 1917. Cannot be a coincidence when they are only 2-4 percent
of the population?
g.Chinese communist takeover with assistance from USA Ref 1 7.Why has
the West never won a war against Communists? a.Against Russia in Second
World War Ref 1
b.Against Korea Ref 1
c.Against Cuba (Pig Bay) Ref 1
d.Against Vietnam Ref 1
e.Against a few other Communist regimes in the world on a smaller scale.
 8.Some of the Gas chambers a hoax? Never present this question to
anybody in the West. If you do, then that person will stop listening to
you, completely and at once. Their propaganda is so often repeated in
TV, Theater, Film, Books and News that it has become more than a simple
truth. It is beyond all doubts for the absolute majority in the West and
cannot be questioned even if there is proof for much else.
9.Slavery a.Taxes Ref 1
c.Who owned the slave ships?
d.Industrial workers 10.Dividing into countries a.Nationalism. Divide
and conquer Ref 1 i.Morocco, Algeria, Libya etc. instead of an Arabic
Islamic unity of the same people
ii.Impossible borders aimed to create fitnah.
iii.Nationalism instead of unity among muslims. 11.Colonization a.Cecil
Rhodes Scholarships 12.World War I a.First world war necessary to
overthrow the Russian Czar. Ref 1 2
b.Lusitania sunk on purpose to make US enter the War. Ref 1 13.World War
II a.Both Soviet and Germany financed by the bankers Ref 1 2
b.Hitler was possibly a son of baron Rotschild since his mother got
pregnant while working as a maid at their place.
c.Hitler financed by the bankers and by I.G. Farben. Ref 1 2 3
d.Pearl Harbor planned already 1940 and Roosevelt knew about it long in
advance and had to keep warnings about the invasion secret so that USA
finally must join the war. Ref 1 2 3
e.25 nations at war against Germany signed a treaty in the name of
United Nations Ref 1
f.Eisenhower postponing US invasion of Europe and postponing march to
Berlin to give Russia time to take Central Europe. 1943-44. General
Patton ordered to evacuate Checkoslovakia. General George S. Patton
declared he would tell about this part of the conspiracy but he was
killed before. Ref 1 2 3
g.The Atomic bomb over Japan was not necessary they had already told
they wanted to give up anyway, but now they could be forced to total
submission. Ref 1 14.Korean War 1950-54 Ref 1 a.Henry Forrestal wanted
to expose plans about the war 15 months before it started, but was
probably killed. Ref 1
b.Germ Warfare
c.General MacArthur was not allowed to bomb bridges over Yalu River to
stop communist troops from China. Ref 1 15.Vietnam War a.McCarthy wanted
to expose plans about the Vietnam war 10-12 years before it started. Ref
1 16.Communist Infiltration of US state department a.McCarthy exposes
the Communists infiltration of State Department. 81 people had to
resign. Ref 1
b.(If I remember right he also exposed that a large majority of
Hollywood movie stars were communists).
c.McCarthy probably killed 1952. Ref 1

Medicine a.Make people weaker and more sick so they are unable to give
enough resistance physically and mentally Ref 1 2 3
b.Reduce population. Less to control. Ref 1
c.Earn money on medical and dental care.
d.Concentrating on the symptoms instead of the real reason for people
being sick.
e.Healthy Life. A Survival Diet Ref 1 2 3
f.Fluoride in medicines. What on earth does Fluoride which is a poison
got to do within a medicine?
g.Aluminum in Medicines. Easier to dissolve in water, (same as many
instant drinks like coffee, cocoa)
h.Vaccinations Ref 1 2 3 4 5 i.Vaccinations can cause over 50 symptoms +
the disease it is supposed to protect against.
ii.See more often updated separate fact sheet that has more details
iii.Spanish Influenza with 20 million victims was solely because of
 vaccinations. None unvaccinated suffered from the disease.
iv.Smallpox. England bans vaccine in 1948 etc.
v.Flu Shots. Some doctors now warning against dangerous Flu Shots
vi.Polio up 700% only in states with compulsory vaccinations
vii.Tainted Salk Polio vaccine with virus SV-40 giving osteosarcoma bone
cancer and mesotheliomas lung cancer. The last form of cancer normally
only occurs together with Asbestos.
viii.British and American troops vaccinated against Anthrax that are not
as protecting as expected. But it is their own people? No it is not
their own people. Try to figure it out by reading more or ask about it.
If I write the reason here you will probably not believe it without
reading more. If you don't believe in it you will stop reading perhaps.
If you read more you will find out for yourself and then you might
believe it. It is very difficult to explain in simple words without the
reader knowing the basics about the Conspiracy. This you can only find
out and believe in if you read in the real sources. There is by the way
seldom only one reason for these things...
ix.Gulf War Syndrome linked to Vaccines
x.Swine Flue vaccinations in spite of no single case of Swine Flue
before the vaccinations and endless of complications after vaccinations.

xi.Cholera vaccine inefficient
xii.Some doctors bribed to vaccinate as many as possible
xiii.AIDS vaccine may actually cause AIDS
xiv.US children forced to take Hep B vaccine in spite of that French
authorities have stopped giving them because of evidence of neurological
disorders and multiple sclerosis. (Forced = 2 hours after birth, and
more after that).
xv.Parents sometimes accused or even convicted to having killed their
own babies by shaking them to death, while in reality the real cause has
been vaccinations, Hep B, DPT, Polio and/or HiB
xvi.DPT vaccine actually killing babies
xvii.Measles, the Facts. Vaccinations given when the death rate was
already almost nonexistent. Measles have increased 423% since
vaccinations were introduced. 80-95% have been vaccinated of the Measles
cases. According to WHO the people who have been vaccinated against
Measles are 14 times more likely to contract the disease than those who
have not vaccinated themselves.
xviii.Vaccinations reducing the size of the thymus gland which is
important for immune defense
xix.Immune system made inefficient to other virus
xx.Encephalitis vaccine possibly causing severe neurological
complications months or years later in life.
xxi.Danger and inefficiency of whopping cough vaccines
xxii.Rubella vaccine can cause rheumatoid Arthritis
xxiii.Autism tied to DPT vaccine
xxiv.Vaccinations are not always mandatory. If you have problem with
your doctor or authorities take a copy of a few pages from Murder by
Injection and show it to them.
xxv.Vaccine can damage human genes
xxvi.All cases of Polio in USA since 1961 caused by vaccinations only i.
Cancer (There are a few Hidden and proven cures since many years, don't
stop reading!) Ref 1 2 i.Start eating seeds and sprouts. Almost all
seeds have vitamin B17 which works together with Vitamin A, C and other
vitamins and enzymes to make a powerful, cheap, painless
cancer-treatment Ref 1 2 3
ii.Muslims know there is a special seed that can cure all diseases that
are coming from Allah, but death, according to hadith. It makes sense.
Especially after reading about vitamin B17
iii.Unnecessary, costly, painful and harmful treatments with
Chemotherapy in some cases at least. Ref 1 2
iv.FDA wants to forbid information about how to reduce suffering for
Cancer patients
v.Unnecessary, costly and harmful treatments with Radiation according to
some texts. Ref 1 2
vi.FDA wants to forbid easily understood information about the positive
effects of selenium on cancer mortality
vii.Tribes like Hunza, Eskimos, Abkhasians in Caucasus, Indian tribes
are completely without cancer thanks to their clean water and healthy
diet consisting of food rich in Laetrile = Amygdaline = B17 as well as
other vitamins, minerals. Ref 1 j.Vitamin B15 ("Canned Oxygen") Ref 1 i.
Used by sports athletes in the Communist countries since it gives extra
energy Ref 1 k.Keeping very successful methods in alternative medicine
secret and make seem ridiculous, almost defame, the doctors in
alternative medicine i.Forbidding doctors and nurses to promote diet,
vitamins, herbs, minerals, oils, enzymes = alternative medicine during
working hours.
ii.Healing 8 out of 10 top killer diseases, Heart, Cancer, Stroke,
Adverse drug reactions, Lung, Pneumonia, Influenza, Diabetes and
iii.Healing modern diseases like CFG, Candidiasis, Herpes, Lyme Disease,
Salmonella, Legionnaires Disease, AIDS l.Low credibility of the
Cholesterol theory Ref 1
m.Arteriosclerosis can be cured Ref 1 2
n.Diabetes can be cured Ref 1
o.Hypothyroidism very common, perhaps 40% and can be discovered in
simple tests without costs and cured to a very low cost. Blood tests not
reliable Ref 1 2
p.Heart Attacks, Stroke can be avoided Ref 1 i.Chlorine makes the blood
vessels full of calcifications or rather, deposits. q.Hepatitis C
patients die unnecessarily
r.Alternative medicine Ref 1 2 3 i.Vitamins, herbs, minerals and oils
cannot be patented. Therefore not interesting to the Drug cartel to make
expensive research on this kind of medicine without extracting only
parts of it. Ref 1 2
ii.International trend to try to forbid or making it difficult to buy
simple vitamins and supplements. Germany, Norway, Jamaica, Spain already
badly affected.
iii.What many don't realize is that the alternative medicine is the
absolutely best and cheapest medicine in a majority of cases. If not by
itself so at least in order to keep the patient away from orthodox
medicines, not so much to keep patients away from many well-meaning
knowledgeable orthodox doctors who cannot dream that there is a
conspiracy in the drug cartel. Ref 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
iv.FDA wants to forbid spreading of clear easily understood information
about the positive effect of vitamins. s.Many treatments have never been
subject to controlled medical tests Ref 1 2
t.The danger of many modern drugs Ref 1 2
u.Corruption in American Medicine Ref 1 2 3
v.Often expensive inefficient tests Ref 1 2
w.Why does mortality always go down when orthodox doctors go on strike?
 Ref 1
x.AIDS where does it come from?  Ref 1 2
y.Medical Monopoly, Rockefeller, IG Farben. Ref 1 2 3 4 5 6
z.New Viruses and new Bacteria i.We cannot blame every new emerging
virus, but...
ii.Some of these emerging killer viruses? aa.Some serious symptoms of
Gulf war Syndrome linked to Brucellosis Bacteria giving different
serious symptoms in different people
ab.Insect attacking open wounds on people and cattle causing the victim
to die in Iraq. "Screw worm"
ac.FDA Ref 1 i.FDA trying to Force Texas company to burn its books on
Stevia (as you might understand they probably want people to eat
Aspartame instead and they don't want the chapter about FDA to leak out)

ii.FDA wants to forbid information about how to reduce suffering for
Cancer patients
iii.FDA wants to forbid easily understood information about the positive
effects of Selenium on cancer mortality
iv.FDA not reacting in spite of that 70-85% of all consumers complaints
on food additives are on Aspartame
v.FDA does nothing about the fact that US Hydrogenated Margarine may
contain 30-50% trans fatty acids while other countries have limited the
allowed contents of trans fatty acids to 0.1%
vi.FDA and Monsanto wants to prevent labeling of RGBH produced milk
vii.FDA does not approve of the medicine Betahistine = SERC which is a
wonder medicine for the most common form of Menieres disease.
viii.FDA does not take seriously findings about Ritalin causing cancer
in some animals
ix.FDA have accepted around 10,000 food additives and certified by FDA
as safe.
x.FDA wants to forbid spreading of clear easily understood information
 about the positive effect of Vitamins. ad.AMA Ref 1
ae.Chronic Fatigue Ref 1 2 3
af.Public Health Insurance promotes waste of government funds and steers
the public into the belief that the most expensive is the only viable
alternative. Only if people have to make their own decisions about costs
compared to efficiency, they will discover that the alternative medicine
probably is the best medicine in a majority of all cases.
ag.Antibiotics Ref 1 i.Overuse and Over prescribing
ii.More and more bacteria resistant ah.Symptoms from Common poisons in
food, water, toys, teeth, medicine and in the environment

Narcotics a.Ritalin to children
b.CIA financed partly through selling of drugs Ref1
c.High places
d.United Nations wants to legalize drugs or make future fight against
drugs inefficient, like somebody said using methods as efficient as
"riding a dead horse"

News Media a.Each new day we are fed with what we shall think. Where is
our own independent analysis of what is really happening? Ref 1 2
b.Muslims are described as Fundamentalists or Islamists and terrorists,
when in reality they who are behind these claims, not necessarily those
who are paid to say it, are the ones who perhaps are behind almost all
of this.

Politics a.So called Democracy i.They will never agree more than a
limited time Ref 1 b.Communism Ref 1 2 i.The only way for the super rich
to enslave people Ref 1 2 3
ii.That is until super technology allows other methods c.Anarchy i.All
authorities must be undermined before the revolution can start Ref 1 2
d.Space Technology i.Amazing what one can do with a little space
technology. Spaceships are developed in the Australian desert.
Anti-gravitational technique is already developed.
ii.TV, Film and media preparing people with scarring Science Fiction.
iii.When it is time to form a New World Order central government scare
the people with that an invasion from outer space has happened and that
only a central government can negotiate with the Aliens. When the World
governments have given up the individual power to the Worlds central
control system = Communism in disguise of United Nations or some other
suitable name, it is too late for the individual countries to retake
power in their region, when they discover that it was all a hoax. But
some countries will not believe in this hoax.. e.New World Order Ref 1
i.One World Government through United Nations Ref 1
ii.One World Economy Ref 1
iii.One World Religion Ref 1 f.United Nations i.World Army Ref 1
ii.Analyze the ideas of UN and see the similarities with Communism Ref 1
 2 3 g.Murder opponents i.See History list above (Chronology)
ii.Murder of Abraham Lincoln Ref 1 2 h.USA i.Check the people at power
especially in the Democratic Party. Mostly Communists and members of CFR

ii.CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) Ref 1 2 3 4 5 6
iii.Trilateral Commission Ref 1 2 3
iv.Kissinger Ref 1 2
v.Eisenhower Ref 1
vi.Rockefeller Ref 1
vii.Institute of Pacific Relations
viii.Vaccinations of soldiers 1.Gulf War Syndrome linked to Vaccines?
ix.Drug tests on unsuspecting prisoners Ref 1 i.Weapons i.Before the Big
Bang all privately owned weapons must be handed over to the authorities
after creating strong public opinion against private use of weapons for
self defense in the US.
ii.What is the Big Bang?  (Check with Midnight Messengers newsletters if
you don't know).
iii.Underground bases and tunnels
iv.Prisons, camps already prepared
v.Interesting article about 1 of May 1999 and the New year 2000
vi.Opposition from Military veterans, (some of those who are sick
because of vaccinations perhaps.),  and more or less Fascist groups who
know about the Conspiracy. j.Terrorism i.Who are the ones who really are
the terrorists? i.Check some articles about Algeria
ii.When seeing the map of the Zionist empire it perhaps explains why
people in Iraq suffer already today. Compare hadith Sahih Muslim Book
40, no 6923 and 6961 ii.Important for terrorists to throw the blame on
the opponents. i.Egyptian Christians raped beaten and tortured by
official police in a so called Muslim country. But is it not the Muslims
doing it? Yes, perhaps, but it is most probably not the religious
 Muslims doing it. Muslims are not allowed to use terror against
civilians. Who would gain the most of that these things happened? Islam
or their opponents? Some not religious Muslims are most probably paid or
forced to do things against Islam to blacken the name of Islam. k.
Extermination (Population reduction) Ref 1 i.Far too many to control
today. Opposition can make it difficult for the Conspiracy to be
believed once they are strong in an area. l.Foreign Aid. i.Aimed at
supporting established communists or communist take overs in developing
countries Ref 1 m.Slavery i.White slavery  Ref 1
ii.Through exorbitant taxes and all other means of power abuse over
survivors Ref 1 n.The clean undistorted Islam is the only real hope, the
only remaining major obstacle to the Conspiracy. Islam means submission
under one God only. Not under any man-made rules. No shirk by
worshipping any prophet or Nationalism or anything else than only one
single God. Just like in the first of the ten commandments that came
during the time of prophet Moses (peace be upon him)
o.Constitutions i.United Nations and Soviet and many other countries
constitutions does not give any rights to citizens unless the Government
permits it. p.Brainwashing Ref 1

Population Control a.In the meaning of maximizing population is not
needed. There is plenty of proof of the opposite. It is more a question
of balance of powers and reducing number of inhabitants of the Earth for
control. Ref 1 2

Pornography Ref 1 2 3 a.Internet is no exception.
b.Who are the ones spreading this filth?

Protection against the Conspiracy a.Before the appearance of the Dajjal
b.After the appearance of the Dajjal
c.Read hadith about the coming of the Dajjal
d.Read Maududis the "Finality of Prophet hood" which describes the
coming of prophet Isa (Jesus, pbuh) and the coming of the Dajjal. If you
search on the Internet some sect has put up a document with the similar
title. Read only Maududis version.
e.Read hadith about Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Arabia and compare with the
map of the Zionist empire (Sorry I only have a non-English version for
the moment of the map). Then we perhaps understand better what is really
happening in the middle-East today.
f.Compare when and how the Dajjal is to be selected in Jewish Protocol
 no 11 and 16. How he is protected in no 18, Terror regime no 23. The
Israeli King's characteristics in the final protocol no 24 Ref 1
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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